AstrologyHealingRelationships Healing Relationship Communication In the intricate tapestry of our lives, relationships serve as both mirrors and catalysts. They…Anjani SiegristAugust 31, 2023
AstrologyRelationships Harmonizing Relationships: Pluto in Synastry Harmonizing Relationships: Pluto in Synastry Understanding Pluto's Profound Influence on Partnerships In the world of…Anjani SiegristJuly 28, 2023
AstrologyBody Temple Temple of the Moon: day 4 day 4: Vahnivasini: Nitya of Fire Om Vahnivasiniyai Namaha Sun: 9 Aquarius Moon: 2 Aries,…Anjani SiegristJanuary 29, 2020
HealingRelationships Venusian Guide to Breaking-up There is no such thing as "lost love." When people come into our lives, there…Anjani SiegristJanuary 22, 2020
Astrology Creating Your Vision for 2020 The lunar cycles have been a source of inspiration and a consistent creative force guiding…Anjani SiegristDecember 31, 2019
HealingRelationships Embodiment of Forgiveness Time doesn’t go in one direction, especially in relationship to emotions, thoughts, and memories. Memories…Anjani SiegristDecember 20, 2019
Body TempleHealing Healing Your Body the Earth Our nervous systems and the Earth's are one. The minerals in the Earth are the…Anjani SiegristSeptember 5, 2019
CommunicationRelationshipsSexuality The 12 Love Languages of Venus Venus speaks through attraction, longing, beauty, and pleasure. Your Venus love language is what you…Anjani SiegristMay 12, 2019
Uncategorized Tension Between Heaven and Earth Brain orgasms dripping dopamine all over my philosophical matters. Chocolate endorphins of karmic reprise. Opiates…Anjani SiegristJanuary 3, 2019
Psychological~Spirituality 5 Steps to Creating a Handmade Life – 2019 The first new Moon of 2019 is on January 5th and this is the time…Anjani SiegristDecember 27, 2018