
Kali day 4: Kurukulla: Nitya of Enchantment

Om Kurukullayai Namaha

Sun:  20 Taurus
Moon: 03 Capricorn, 223 degrees from Sun, Disseminating/Waning Crescent Moon
Inner Moon: transition between ovulation and luteal phase

Moon Vibes:

The Shaman doing the deep inner work of acceptance and surrender. We sense into and through the chaos and crave liberation for self and others. We attune to the mysteries of life cycles, death and rebirth. We lose our sense of self-importance. This phase relates with Lammas. In tantra yoga, this starts surychara, ascending course of the Sun with the out-breath moving upward from heart to throat. Relates with first quarter of the day (morning) and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is the return journey. We are feeling gratitude for survival and ready to integrate the gifts from the journey. In the menstrual cycle, this is transition between the high of ovulation and the hormonal shifts of luteal phase.


Moon in Capricorn:

Backbone, joints, knees, skin, hair all relate with Capricorn Moon.

Moon in Capricorn near south node where we notice our habituated moods and emotional patterns. Yesterday and today, are you choosing your actions or allowing your habit to control your choices? Moon making a 90°angle with Chiron activating our wounds and superpowers. Feeling the wound helps to direct energy towards powerful choices. At the same time, 90° with Uranus with shifts normal.


Astrology info to consider:

11th, Saturn goes retrograde (rx.) Late night on 12th, Venus rx. On 14th early morning, Jupiter rx. Will explain more as we get there. In short, a lot of opportunity for responding authentically and moving out of our old patterns around (Saturn) authority, (Venus) human love, (Jupiter) abundance and enlightenment.

Mercury and Jupiter in 120°harmonious relationship. Insights, comprehension and information from beyond the glare of Taurus Sun that bring golden blessings of abundance and enlightenment

Nutrition suggestion:

Burdock root is known as bear medicine because bears dig up the roots after hibernation. Burdock root is a root chakra plant medicine, a nutritive blood builder, grounding, and moves liver chi stagnation which makes it helpful for spring. Also called gobo in Asian markets, this root can be eaten fresh, dipped in pesto or hummus. My favorite way of using burdock root is as a decoction. Here is a recipe:

  • 6 cups pure water.
  • 1 tbsp dried burdock root
  • 1 tbsp dried cinnamon
  • 1/2 tbsp dried ginger

Bring all plants to a rolling boil and then simmer with lid on until water turns brown.

Cool, strain, add honey and hemp milk. Enjoy as a tea. Remaining plant matter can be used one or three more times.


Mother’s day with the Moon in Capricorn feels so appropriate.  We associate Cancer with the nurturing ways of mothering but Capricorn has it’s own flavor of loving support as too.  Capricorn is the wise grandmother, who reminds us of what is most important and gives the perfect tough love to help us rise to the responsibility of our being here to look out for one another.  In Capricorn we feel connected to all the mothers and grandmother who have walked here before us and feel responsible to honor their lineage and carry forward in their strength.

  • Begin your ritual by creating sacred space. I recommend finding yourself in a very cozy spot tonight, wrapped up in your favorite blanket.  Call in the wisdom of Capricorn, connect with the lineage of mothers that brought you here, and call on your ancestors and spirit guides to support you.
  • We all come through the same portal to arrive here embodied on Earth, we all come from our Mother’s womb.  We begin as an egg in our mother’s womb while she is still in our grandmothers womb, how magical.  We may all have very different relationships to our mother’s and grandmothers but it is an essential truth to feel gratitude for the women who carried us in their bodies.  To feel gratitude for the creation of this miraculous act of nature and the women who embody our creation story.
  • Imagine this journey of your own embodiment, from the beginning, how would it feel to be an embryo in the womb? How did it feel to leave the womb and enter the world? Do you know your birth story? What was it like for your mom the day she brought you through?
  • Hold space for the emotions and feelings that arise while you sit with your birth story.  The story may likely not be all warmth and love.
  • We will practice writing the birth story that empowers us and makes us feel comforted and loved.  Write your birth story from the perspective of you, what it was like being within the womb and coming into the world.
  • Conclude by sending love and gratitude to the one’s in your life that mother you.


The way you fall asleep matters if you intend to gain clarity of your dreaming mind. If you wait until you’re dead tired, you will have far less success in working with your dreams.


  • Cleansing, writing in your dream journal, backtrack on events of the day (get ready for bed) when your drowsy, but not too tired.
  • Give yourself 30-60 minutes before bed to explore your hypnagogia.
  • Get to know your hypnagogia phase of sleep because it is a direct portal to liminal spaces and becoming lucid.
  • Start to include B vitamins, especially B6 and B12 in your nutrition plan.


Have your dream journal ready. Write today’s date and any topic you would like to explore in dreams.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between ovulation and luteal phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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