
The lunar cycles have been a source of inspiration and a consistent creative force guiding humanity in every aspect of life. This reliable cycle informs, guides, nurtures and sustains the soul of anyone willing to cultivate a relationship with it. The ancient wisdom of our lunar cycle is a powerful, natural tool for creating your new year goals. And we all have access to it.

The first new Moon of 2020 is on January 24th and this is the best time for planting your new year intention seeds. In the weeks leading up to our first lunar cycle of 2020, focus on bringing closure to 2019. We have a lunar eclipse on January 10th that can be used to fast-track closure and energize new ideas.

Before January 10th, get a special journal, preferably with a calendar, for creating your 2020 vision. Set aside 20 minutes to do the exercises in this article. On one side of your new journal, write “what I would like to experience.” On the other, write “plan of action.” Leave some space to write in names of experts you will hire for help. Set some dates in your calendar for big events, but you don’t need a detailed plan for the whole year because at each new Moon, you can begin again wherever you are.

1. Give thanks. For real.
For every 1 thing you said yes to in the prior year, there are at least five other things you had to say no to. This led to a focused priority on accomplishments and attainments. Take a moment to honor yourself for how amazing and steadfast you were in the passing year. Reflect on the previous year:

• Where did I excel and accomplish most in the prior year?
• How am I already living in abundance?
• List what is right with me as I am today:
• What do I want to keep from last year and what am I finished with?

2. Just breathe and listen.
Practice listening to the language of your instincts, dreams and your body’s wisdom. The more you listen, the clearer it becomes. This voice is a guide for handcrafting your life. Sink into the beauty and comforts you have already created for yourself. Notice how good it feels to stretch your ribcage as you instinctively fill your lungs with oxygen. On your exhale, notice how emptying your lungs makes space for another breath. You trust there is air for your next breath and have full faith in your capacity to receive it. Like that, the things you are meant to encounter in life are there and your body instinctively knows how to bring them in. The things you are done with are naturally released, just like exhalation. Learn a breathing technique. Not only does deep breathing strengthen your ability to receive and release, it is the ultimate healer of stress and body pain.

3. Generic vs. Genuine Goals.
Generic goals take you further away from what life wants to create through you. Getting fit, making more money, and finding or heating up a love life are fine new year’s resolution, as millions will agree. But I have a feeling these come from a sense of lack or “not good enough” mentality. What is the feeling behind your goal? What is it that you want to experience more of? What emotional needs are you trying to meet? At every juncture, ask for guidance and respond to what puts in front of you. Co-creating with life in the moment will reveal your genuine goals.
If you don’t know where to start with making genuine goals, take inventory of what is already here.

• Tie up all loose ends.
• Complete the projects you started.
• Consciously choose to end projects that are no longer exciting or rewarding.
• List out what you will carry into the new year.
• Feel into your sense of longing. Is there something that you want to experience more of? State it out loud and write it down.
• What is one thing you can do today to include this in your life?
• If you already know your genuine goals, give thanks! Knowing is half the battle. If you have this part down, commit to them with a ceremony.

4. Focus on integration. Yes, and this too.
Rather than emphasizing what you want to quit, bring more attention to new things you are doing. Inclusiveness creates a web of loving acceptance and good things are attracted to this. If there are things that are uncomfortable or don’t make sense, you don’t need to fix or figuring it all out right now. As you make a conscious effort to include and accept all parts of yourself, it will be easier to gain clarity on what needs to be transformed. What parts of your life material make you uncomfortable?

• How is this uncomfortable material serving me?
• What have I been trying to quit or get rid of about myself?
• Can I include this material as part of my inner matrix?
• Allow this part of you to add its energy to your life. Give it a job. Example: Anger is great at doing home security. Laziness is great at being in charge of the recreation committee. Include > exclude.

5. Hire help.
Whatever it is you want to experience more of in 2020, there is a professional who has trod the path and is ready to assist you. Once you know what you’d like to experience, seek out the professional who does that. If you don’t know who you are looking to hire, ask your friends. Chances are, there is someone in your friend circle. Making an investment in hiring a professional does three things: Holds you accountable, helps you see the value of what you are committed to doing, and gives you an expert reference point.

Approach 2020 with an attitude of appreciation for the richness of your personal life experiences and your unique talents. Are my new goals stemming from love and acceptance of who I am while encouraging the changes I need to make? If the answer is yes, write them down, speak them into existence, put them on your altar, light a candle for them, and feed them with your attention. Things work when you do.

Check out Temple of the Moon to get in sync with your Moon wisdom.
Cover art by Jasmine Monet Russell

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