
Lalita day 8: Kulasundari: Nitya of Inner-Knowing

Om Kulasundariyai Namaha

Sun:  10 Taurus
Moon: 8 Leo, 88 degrees from Sun, First Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 8-14, follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

The warrior experiencing tension between self and group. Concerned with justice in the organizations and groups. Relates with vernal equinox and Ostara/Easter. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath (prana-vayu) from third-eye to the soft palate, relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, we are taking inspired action, feeling tension and resistance in group efforts, wanting to differentiate. Feeling strong and empowered to cross initiation threshold. Blazing new trails which could become new systems for society. First quarter Moon relates with follicular and proliferation hormones, building up of estrogen, uterine walls thickening, eggs maturing. This phase of lunar cycle can be powerful and exciting. Use it for courtship, dates night, seduction, and rituals that focus on building and growing. Use foods that nurture and support. Warm and comforting foods like root vegetables and curry spices.

Moon in Leo:

Moon at 9°Leo by 1130am. Last night Moon perfectly squared up with Mercury/Uranus. Tell me all those dreams!! I wrote a novel of mine this morning. Dream info challenging to inner reality. Can you bend to include dream vision and feelings into your self-image?

Nodes change to Gemini Sagittarius by May 5th. Now exploring meaning of past and new purpose for this phase of life in artistic, expressive, communication based ways.


Astrology info to consider:

Mercury, trickster, messenger of the spirit realm, able to cross between worlds, used as the Nike symbol because people of power do use astrology and mythology in their planning, then try to confuse and invalidate it so you won’t use it. Uranus, like Prometheus who stole fire from the Gods to give it to humanity for their empowerment. Remember when we didn’t have fire? It was cold, dark and we ate things raw. Uranus is electric like your nervous system. Connecting everything within you to everything around you. Mercury and Uranus both at 6° Taurus today. Listen, bend your mind over to receive body wisdom in artistic and pleasurable ways. Value your art as much as you value your money making expression. Receive earthly delights.

Neptune/Venus square shows us challenging visions, sensations, feelings around our love life, what we value and are attracted to.

Nutrition suggestion:



Under the Leo Moon light we practice loving ourselves in all our beauty. The Love you have for yourself is the same Love you have for the Divine, loving yourself is an invocation of the Divine Love within you.

For this ritual you will need a mirror. I keep a hand mirror at my altar for this ritual and veil the mirror when not in use I honor this particular mirror as sacred.  Any mirror will do well for this ritual.

  • Create sacred space in front of your mirror,  call in the fierce love of Leo and call on your spirit guides to support you.
  • Make eye contact with yourself in the mirror.  Gaze into your own eyes. And say to yourself, “I Love You.”
  • Again and again.  Take your time to feel the resonance after your words each time.  Witness any thoughts that arises in your mind.  Feel the currents of emotions that flow through you.  Notice any insights that drop in.  Practice with the mirror for at least 5 minutes or longer if you like.
  • Before closing sacred space, leave time to reflect in your journal on what this experience brought up for you and how you are feeling.
  • Wrap your arms around your chest giving yourself a warm and loving hug. Make yourself a loving cup of tea.  Massage yourself. Make your bed up for yourself. Love on yourself in any and all ways you need tonight.

Conclude in Gratitude.


Be aware of as much detail as possible in waking life. This practice translates to more awareness in your dreams.

Before going to sleep, recap as much detail from your day, going from right now backwards. This helps to clear the unconscious databank that is often cleared in sleep. Clearing this databank consciously before sleep allows time and space to enter deeper layers of consciousness in sleep. These layers are where you access more of the hidden mystery or not yet realized parts of self.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s follicular and proliferation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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