
day 1: Bhagamalini: Nitya of the Flowering Yoni

Om Bhagamalinyai Namaha

Sun: 3 Taurus
Moon: 10 Taurus, 7 degrees from Sun, New Moon
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding

Moon Vibes:

The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight. Use foods with higher protein, nurturing, and easy to digest.

Moon in Taurus:

  • Moon in Taurus corresponds with throat, voice, neck, thyroid gland.
  • Moon moves through every part of the zodiac in a moonth making micro adjustments to the different areas of life.
  • Like a good care-giver, Moon nurtures, heals, disciplines, to help us be competent adults.

Astrology info to consider:

Mercury making an exact 90°with Pluto tomorrow and Jupiter the following day. Literally asking us to go Pluto-deep as possible to reach the Jupiter golden heights. You don’t get the gold without also working with Pluto depth.Venus 15°Gemini and Mars 16°Aquarius, moving in harmonious flow. Feels so good to flow ♀️♂️ like this.

Nutrition suggestion:

Have you ever made homemade yogurt? It is fairly simple with few steps. If you feel like making it, here’s a recipe. If you don’t feel like it, today’s nutrition suggestion is have something fermented like kimchee or a good yogurt. Homemade is best because the live bacteria peak in about 8 hours and begin to rapidly die off soon after.


Taurus teaches us the wisdom of embodiment, our body as the temple that houses our soul, our body as the place we receive our senses. Under this sensual Taurus moon we will practice ritualizing simple pleasures and sensory experiences with a bathing ritual.

Taurus Moon Bathing Ritual:

Light a candle on your altar, take a few conscious breaths, become fully present here and call in sacred space.  Take a few moments to decompress in your journal, recalling potent moments from your day and noting what you are grateful for today.

Now, carry your altar candle with you into your bathroom, in this way you expand the sacred space of your altar into this room.  Craft a bathing ritual that offers an experience for all 5 senses…

  • Taste: Make a cup of tea, your most delicious flavor.
  • Smell: Diffuse essential oils or light incense.
  • Hearing: Play music or nature sounds that are pleasurable to listen to.
  • Sight: Create lighting in this space that is soothing to your eyes.
  • Touch: The Bath! Choose to take a bath, shower, or simply wash your feet and hands.  Being fully present to the sensation of the touch of the warm water on your skin.
  • *Extra sensory pleasure… warm some body oil to massage your whole body with after you finish your bath.

When you are finished in this room carry your candle back to your altar and close sacred space from here.  Giving thanks to your body, your senses, and your guides… Conclude in gratitude



Dreams are a living bridge between the worlds of conscious mind and the unconscious, yet to be revealed consciousness. These two parts need each other for our wholeness.

Gap time: times when you are not actively engaged with life. What do you do? Check IG, email, scroll the internet? Today, use your gap time to:


  • Remind yourself of your intentions to become more aware of dreams.
  • Look at symbolic meanings in day-to-day reality.
  • Contemplate dreams you’ve received.
  • Day dream.
  • Do reality checks.

Next time you find yourself with a free moment, use it to increase lucidity.


Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s menstrual phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


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