
Kali day 9: Dipa: Nitya of Illumination

Om Dipayai Namaha

Sun:  26 Aries
Moon: 2 Aquarius, 288 degrees from Sun, Last Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 22-28, Luteal

Moon Vibes:

The wise elder sensing the smell of ending and learning to gracefully let go and go home. Sense of longing. The bitter sweetness of knowing the necessity of ending and becoming acutely aware of death that permeates all of life. This phase relates with the autumnal equinox and Mabon. In tantra yoga, this is suryachara, ascending course of Sun with the out-breath moving upward from throat to soft palette. Relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, this is the phase is where we cross the return threshold. We feel freedom and courage to explore more of our humanity. In the menstrual cycle, this is luteal phase. Like the Luteal phase in inner Moon cycle, Balsamic Moon vibe is fierce, direct, got no time for BS. Get to the point. Be real. Show yourself. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious and we have the energy to make necessary changes. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. Use foods that Use foods that are light, cooling, and inflammation reducing.

Moon in Aquarius:

Moon with Saturn and Mars visible in the morning sky, transmitting gentle yet firm discipline like an emotional warrior with sensitivity and discernment. In Aquarius, the emphasis is on technological advances for freedom. let this be a radical evolution of your masculinity and authority. Moon and Uranus in a challenging relationship today which is disrupting to “normal” Moon mood. Be adaptable while staying in your power.

Astrology info to consider:

It feels as if every bit of planetary force is gathering and condensing their energy in the end and beginning of the zodiac. Capricorn maturity, Aquarius radical freedom, Pisces eternal love, with a touch of “New Earth” with Uranus in Taurus and a fun and playful version of Venus in Gemini. When you embrace endings, beginning is more grace filled.

Mercury in Aries is direct, assertive and not an empathic communicator, by nature. Information coming hard and fast. It can feel harsh, but it’s not personal.

Nutrition suggestion:


The Aquarian moon inspires the visionary in us, with mars and saturn there too we are call to act on and establish our visions of a better world.  We are at a point in this moon cycle where we are ready to compost what has died. Tonight we will do some reflection on process of this moon cycle thus far and begin to envision our new normal of the future.

Aquarius Moon Ritual:

  • Begin by connecting with the vast and unbound comic energy of Aquarius, call in sacred space, asking your spirit guides to support you.
  • In your journal look back at the notes you’ve taken the last few weeks, work your way all the way back to the last new moon on March 24th. As you reflect, notice what stands out to you. What have you been working on this moon cycle? Where are you at with the intentions you set in the beginning of this cycle?
  • When growth is happening in us there is a need to shed our old skin.  With clarity of what is growing for you, check in with what parts of your identity need to be shed.
  • Become clear about what you are ready to compost into fertile soil to support your growth. This step in the process is essential to your ability to more forward freely.  As soon as you decide and clarify what need to be released, the process is set in motion.
  • Create a ritual cleansing experience to further initiate the process of shedding.  Shed your clothing one article at a time, intentionally feeling each garment symbolically as that which you are releasing falling to the ground. Either take a ritual shower/bath or a ritual smudge.
  • Take time to finish in your journal, write about you visions of your days to come. Be as idealistic as possible in envisioning your most beautiful future, no matter how radically different it may seem from your current situation, no dream in too radical now.

Conclude with gratitude.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s climax, peak fertility, ovulation point? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Some things to consider when journaling with dreams:


  • What is the setting?
  • Who is there in the dream?
  • How do you feel in the dream and upon awakening?
  • Do you see your body in the dream?
  • How does your body feel?
  • What are you curious about the dream?
  • What is the plot of the dream scenario?

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