
Lalita day 8: Kulasundari: Nitya of Inner-Knowing

Om Kulasundariyai Namaha

Sun:  12 Aries
Moon: 15 Cancer, 87 degrees from Sun, First Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 8-14, follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

The warrior experiencing tension between self and group. Concerned with justice in the organizations and groups. Relates with vernal equinox and Ostara/Easter. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath (prana-vayu) from third-eye to the soft palate, relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, we are taking inspired action, feeling tension and resistance in group efforts, wanting to differentiate. Feeling strong and empowered to cross initiation threshold. Blazing new trails which could become new systems for society. First quarter Moon relates with follicular and proliferation hormones, building up of estrogen, uterine walls thickening, eggs maturing. This phase of lunar cycle can be powerful and exciting. Use it for courtship, dates night, seduction, and rituals that focus on building and growing. Use foods that nurture and support. Warm and comforting foods like root vegetables and curry spices.

Moon in Cancer:

Moon in Cancer corresponds with water element. Physically: breasts, womb, ovary, stomach, mucousa.

Cancer is the sign most resonate with Moon. Super nurturing, caring, comforting, healing energy. Pallas Athene/Pluto/Jupiter at 24° Capricorn in opposition with Moon through midday tomorrow. Cosmic Grandma provides nurturance, discipline, emotional comfort and support. Opposition is challenging duality, today between Cancer/Capricorn and the restructuring of our Capricorn foundation. Honor your lunar nature with comfort, emotional and nutritional support knowing that a restructuring is happening.

Moon in harmonious aspect with Mercury and Neptune all day. Easy flow in communication, especially on topics of vision, dreams, collective healing.

Nutrition suggestion:

Cancer Moon foods support nutritional comfort. These foods are also good for your kidney chi and internal waters. Create a meal or beverage using some of these ingredients.


  • Black and blue berries
  • Kelp and seaweeds
  • Kidney beans
  • Flax, pumpkin, sunflower, black sesame seeds
  • Marshmallow, slippery elm, comfrey, aloe vera gel.


Astrology info to consider:

Aries Sun: standing up for the cause, feeling heat waves of inspiration and determination.

♂️♒Mars squares up with Uranus, radical agent for change. Innovation, technology, and global change with challenges that feel like a hormonal 15 year old, ♂️.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s new phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Nightmares are an opportunity to stretch beyond fears and limitations. Facing fears in sleeping dreams builds confidence and strengthens your ability to face fears while you’re awake. By looking at the characters, situations, and dream symbols as aspects of yourself, you can find your edges and consciously expand them. When encountering scary figures and objects in dreams:


  • Become curious.
  • Be hospitable.
  • Turn towards rather than running from them.
  • Ask them why they are there, what they want or need, how can you help?
  • If the character or objects become threatening, stand up for yourself.

Practicing in dreams helps build confidence to practice these principles in waking life.

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