
day 29: Mitya: Nitya of Fearlessness

Om Mitrayai Namaha

Sun:  0 Pisces
Moon 0 Pisces
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding

Moon Vibes:

The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight. Use foods with higher protein, nurturing, and easy to digest.

Moon in Pisces

  • Moon in Pisces relates with feet and pineal gland.
  • Sun/Moon starting next 29.5 ish days of lunar cycle in the mystical sign of Pisces.

Nutrition suggestion:

Seaweed helps to balance water metabolism. It nourishes kidneys which filters blood. Today I’m recommending congee for it’s ability to detox and rehydrate the body.


  • 1 cup of basmati rice
  • 4-6 cups of water
  • Add arame seaweed to your liking.

To make it a little less bland, I squeezed lime juice over the rice right before I served it.


Call in sacred space, reestablish boundaries, give thanks. Pisces new Moon is a great time to cleanse, energetically and physically. Best time for new Moon rituals are the day before, day of (today) and day after. I’m recommending a ritual lemon shower, followed by a mineral salt bath. Set up your cleansing space with candles, water to drink, music, and whatever else you’d like to have. You’ll need 2-3 lemons cut open and have ready in a bowl. Ceremoniously remove each article of clothing as if it where thought patterns or habits you’re ready to end. Next, take the lemons, gently squeeze and rub over your body, avoiding open wounds. Say some validating words of your intentions to cleanse old habits and patterns. You can rinse or take your bath with the lemon juice. Add mineral salt and fill your tub with bathwater. Relax, detox, clarify your bodymind and soul. When you’re finished, close sacred space and give thanks.

Astrology info to consider:

Flirtatious instincts (60° sextile) activated between Sun/Moon and Mars over there at 4°Capricorn. Could be a time for spiritual healing of our battle wounds. Mars brings some direction and leadership to ethereal, barely-on-Earth nature of Pisces. Imagine what could happen when the whole sea of consciousness has a flirtatious liaison with the assertive, courageous Mars. Mars is also near S.Node which indicates past, old habits, old addictions/afflictions related to how we used to carry and use our assertiveness, fighting, forceful energy. In 60° aspect with new Moon, this can be like bleeding phase of menstruation. felt, released, make space for a new way.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s new/bleeding phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


I treat my dreams like a beloved who I am interested in getting to know. I’m curious about them, ask them questions, treat and talk about them as sacred, not crazy or weird. I want to know what they love and make space for them to approach me.

  1. Ask to recieve a dream.
  2. Have your dream journal ready.
  3. In the morning, instead of asking what your dream means, ask, “What does this dream want?”
  4. Bring the most prominent dream symbol into your day time reality by writing about it or finding an object that represents it to place on your altar.

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