
day 28: Mudra: Nitya of Expression

Om Mudrayai Namaha

Sun:  3 Pisces
Moon 23 Aquarius, 350 degrees from Sun
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding

Moon Vibes:

The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight. Use foods with higher protein, nurturing, and easy to digest.

Moon in Aquarius:

  • Moon in Aquarius relates with calves, ankles, shins, Achilles tendons. Gives our ability to twist, turn, shift and travel.
  • Moon is 350° from Sun which is equivalent to menstruation, or bleeding phase. The vibe is quiet, reflective, a time for REimagining possibilities. In the sign of Aquarius, we may feel innovative and totally free from mind chains and boxes.

Nutrition suggestion:

Aquarius is the sign most like Uranus, which makes me think of nervous system. Have you heard of kanji/congee? It’s overcooked rice and it is amazingly healing to the nervous system.


  • 1 cup of basmati rice
  • 4-6 cups of water
  • Add arame seaweed to your liking.

To make it a little less bland, I squeezed lime juice over the rice right before I served it.


Tonight is the last of the 2020’s first lunar cycle. With the current Mercury retrograde in Pisces so heavily influencing the second lunar cycle, tonight’s ritual idea is for embracing Great Mystery. Call in sacred space, reestablish boundaries, give thanks. Construct some words to reflect your willingness to swim the sea of consciousness. Also asking for spiritual strength strong enough to carry body if body wants to give up. Here’s an example: “In full acceptance and trust of life’s process, I commit to swimming the sea of consciousness, knowing that I am not separate from the sea. I ask for guidance on continuing to build a strong energy body that will carry my physical body in the case that my body wants to quit.”

Take some time to write highlights from this Moon cycle. What has been revealed to you by the glow of Moonlight?

Astrology info to consider:

Jupiter square Venus. Abundance of matter, joy, resources, education, enlightenment, Jupiter. In 90° angle with sense pleasure relationships, the ways we attraction pleasurable experiences, things and people, Venus.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s bleeding phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


What if “evil” was just vitality that has been rejected, locked away, or let go of. In dreams, this vitality may show up as a villain or an evil character. In order to reintroduce this vitality into your life, take every opportunity to become curious about things you’ve labelled as evil. Tonight in your dream temple, expect to engage with a dark character with this attitude of curiosity and desire for integration.

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