day 0: Mitya: Nitya of Fearlessness
Om Mitrayai Namaha
Sun: 4 Aquarius
Moon: 4 Aquarius, 0 degrees from Sun
New Moon exact 1:42 pm
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding
Moon Vibes:
The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight.
Astrology Today:
While this is the end of cycle 13th, it is also the opening to cycle one of 2020. Everything we’ve cultivated during 13th cycle in Capricorn season are now beginning to stir. Take today to be completely emptied out in the loving darkness. Moon in Aquarius corresponds with calf, ankle, shin, Achilles tendon. The parts that move you from place to place.
Nothing is more new than Sun/Moon in Aquarius. Pushing your artistic boundaries, aesthetic innovation, and gettng outside your mental boxes and surging on electricity waves. Uranus sq. making lights flicker, nervous system shifting, awakening more of you. What planets do you have around 4° Aquarius? This is where you are being reborn, avant garde, and reimagining yourself. Semi-sextile w Chiron, helpful, healing vibe for ♒ soul rebirth.
Venus Mars square: tension between sexual polarity inside and out. Have you been extra turned on lately? Where is the current ♀️♂️ square on your chart? This is where your arc of polarity is being triggered.