
Venus Laws of Attraction:

12 Keys to Manifesting Abundance

Venus is the planetary force of celestial seduction, warmth, sweetness, esthetics, pleasure, and the relationships we share those things with. The world of a Venusian is one of luxury, romance, abundance, and receptivity.

The Birth of Venus: Saturn castrated Uranus as instructed by his mother Gaea and threw his testicles into the Ocean. The waters began to churn and from the sea foam, Venus was born. The Goddess of Love, Beauty, Pleasure and Abundance. The part of you that has it all. Have you already realized?? ๐™”๐™ค๐™ช ๐™–๐™ง๐™š ๐™€๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™’๐™จ ๐™ข๐™ค๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™š๐™˜๐™ž๐™ค๐™ช๐™จ ๐™ง๐™š๐™จ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง๐™˜๐™š, ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™œ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™–๐™ก ๐™˜๐™ช๐™ง๐™ง๐™š๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™ฎ.

What phase of the Venus cycle were you born in? Finding this information takes a little more expertise, but you can easily find out what sign Venus was in by using Astro.com. Venusโ€™s symbol is the circle of spirit on the cross of matter, easily recognizable even if you donโ€™t know the language of astrology.

12 Keys to Manifesting Abundance:

Because Venus is primal fluidity and sweetness of your body (soma in Ayurveda) the power of receptivity is deeply inherent is all humans. We forgot the power of receptivity in our bodyโ€™s sweet fluids when we agreed that this Earth was for profit of a few. Feminine fluidity and sweetness became an asset to leverage business deals between kingdoms and modern marriages. Connecting back in with your soma, divine nectar, you regenerate and energize your bodymindsoul in all times and spaces.

Regardless of what your astrological Venus story is, you can work with Venus to manifest abundance by consciously working with topics related to Venusโ€™s current phase and zodiacal placement in the sky. But knowing your astrological Venus story will help you get more specific on details of your power of receptivity. Remember, Mars is your ability to take direct, assertive actions that seduce Venus. In this context, Mars is the provider and protector of Venusโ€™s honey pot. Saturn is your ability to make work plans, delegate and make sure the work is getting done. Venusโ€™s power of manifestation rests in her ability to slow down, take her beauty rest, to know/feel what she wants and have space to be filled with luxury and pleasure.

Hereโ€™s a reference guide to Venus Lawโ€™s of Attraction through the 12 zodiac signs. Find your Venus sign, do the writing prompts and begin to work your power of receptivity to manifest the abundance youโ€™re longing for.

Venus in Capricorn: The Structuralist, Boss

Element: Earth in the form of animals and human animals.

Gemstone: Diamond, Pyrite

Plant Ally: Burdock Root, Horsetail

Bija Sound: LAM (laang)

Goddess: Nut/Mut, Kali,

Seduction by responsibility and creating secure foundation. Making sure the work is done and structural aspects are taken care of, bills paid, investments made.

Prone to depression and isolation.

Power of Attraction: Venus in Capricorn values longevity, tradition, practicality, and good standing in the family. Your energetic assets have to do with feeling secure and connected to tradition. Working with your lineage, especially the wombs you come from, is a powerful tool for Venus in Capricornโ€™s manifestation process. Surround yourself with things that are stable. Make sure your furniture and wall hangings are put together securely and everything in your life is in order. When you feel that stability, your inner Venus is safe to want more.

*Writing Prompt:

  • What is my perception of traditional values and worth?
  • Do I want that? I am truly longing for _______.
  • Am I willing to let myself want that?
  • How do I already have that (maybe in other forms) in my life?
  • To get closer to what I want, what is one thing I will direct my inner Mars to do today?
  • What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to move my manifestation into material reality? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Aquarius: The Intellectual Idealist

Element: Air in the form of open space, above the highest mountain peak.

Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire,

Plant Ally: Damiana, Passion Flower

Bija Sound: YAIM (yaing)

Goddess: Athena, Amunet,

Seduction by mind. The pleasure of abstract thinking and allure of a beautiful mind.

Prone to anxiety and overthinking.

Power of Attraction: Your energetic assets are intellect, creative ideas from a big picture perspective and the receptive flow of cosmic consciousness. Your power of attraction is in the infinite YES, the in-flow of idealistic concepts of how and why anything is possible. This form of Venus is Jivamukti; liberated from time-bound awareness while still alive in a physical body. To connect with this asset, spend time in meditation, reading/listening to educational materials, engaging in conscious information exchanges through many mediums. Donโ€™t get stuck learning only what you already know. Expand your mind to receive more and assign Mars and Saturn tasks based off what you know.

Writing Prompt:

  • What do I know that Iโ€™m ignoring?
  • Am I learning new things?
  • What is my outlet for information?
  • If I donโ€™t output what I know, is there space to learn more?
  • Am I mentally stimulated and feeling curious or gitty about all the possibilities for expanding my mental capacity?
  • What is one thing I can assign to Mars and Saturn to move my vision into material manifestation? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Pisces: The Visionary Dreamer

Element: Water in the form of mist.

Gemstone: Amethyst, Aquamarine

Plant Ally: Willow, Lotus

Bija Sound: VIM (veeng)

Goddess: Kuan Yin, Yemaya

Seduction by: Universal Love.

Prone to: Victimhood and martyrdom.

Power of Attraction: Emotional energy. Venus in Pisces has the ability to attract through deep empathy, compassion, and a profound connection to the collective unconscious. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to dream and imagine the ideal, pulling from a well of universal love. To connect with this energy, immerse yourself in creative and spiritual practices that allow you to express your boundless imagination and empathy.

Writing Prompt:
-What are my deepest dreams and visions for my life?
-How do I connect with the collective unconscious in my daily life?
-Am I allowing myself to be vulnerable and compassionate towards others?
-How can I use my creative and spiritual practices to manifest my dreams?
-What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to ground my vision into reality? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Aries: The Initiator of Action

Element: Fire in the form of the newly ignited spark.

Gemstone: Ruby, Garnet

Plant Ally: Basil, Nettle

Bija Sound: RUM (roong)

Goddess: Athena, Sekhmet

Seduction by: Passion and initiative.

Prone to: Impulsiveness and impatience.

Power of Attraction: Dynamic energy. Venus in Aries attracts through boldness, enthusiasm, and a pioneering spirit. Your power of attraction is in your ability to take the lead and ignite new beginnings. To harness this energy, engage in activities that allow you to express your individuality and courage, and don’t be afraid to take risks in pursuit of your desires.

Writing Prompt:
– What bold steps am I willing to take to achieve my desires?
– How do I express my individuality and courage in my daily life?
– What new beginnings am I ready to initiate?
– How can I channel my impulsiveness into productive action?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to manifest my desires? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Taurus: The Sensualist

Element: Earth in the form of fertile soil, fruits, honey, gems.

Gemstone: Emerald, Rose Quartz

Plant Ally: Rose, Sage

Bija Sound: LAM (laang)

Goddess: Aphrodite, Freyja

Seduction by: Sensuality and stability.

Prone to: Stubbornness and indulgence.

Power of Attraction: Sensory delight. Venus in Taurus attracts through sensuality, comfort, and a connection to the natural world. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to create a stable and nurturing environment. To tap into this energy, surround yourself with beauty, indulge in sensory pleasures, and cultivate a sense of inner and outer abundance.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I nurture my senses and indulge in beauty?
– What makes me feel stable and secure in my life?
– How can I create a more nurturing and abundant environment?
– What aspects of my life need more beauty and comfort?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my sense of abundance? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Gemini: The Communicator

Element: Air in the form of thoughts.

Gemstone: Agate, Citrine

Plant Ally: Lavender, Mint

Bija Sound: YAIM (yaing)

Goddess: Saraswati

Seduction by: Wit and communication.

Prone to: Restlessness and inconsistency.

Power of Attraction: Intellectual charm. Venus in Gemini attracts through lively conversation, wit, and the exchange of ideas. Your power of attraction is in your ability to connect with others through communication and intellectual engagement. To harness this energy, engage in activities that stimulate your mind, and seek out diverse experiences and conversations.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I express my wit and charm in my interactions?
– What new ideas and experiences am I seeking?
– How can I improve my communication skills?
– What makes me feel mentally stimulated and engaged?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my intellectual connections? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Cancer: The Nurturer

Element: Water in the form of fertile waters, vast oceans and lakes.

Gemstone: Moonstone, Pearl

Plant Ally: Aloe Vera, Chamomile

Bija Sound:ย  VIM (veeng)

Goddess: Isis, Demeter

Seduction by: Care and empathy.

Prone to: Moodiness and clinginess.

Power of Attraction: Emotional warmth. Venus in Cancer attracts through nurturing, empathy, and emotional depth. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to create a safe and caring environment. To tap into this energy, focus on building emotional connections and providing support and care to those around you.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I nurture and care for myself and others?
– What makes me feel emotionally secure and supported?
– How can I create a more nurturing environment?
– What emotional connections need more attention in my life?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my emotional well-being? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Leo: The Radiant Performer

Element: Fire in the form of a roaring flame.

Gemstone: Amber, Topaz

Plant Ally: Sunflower, Cinnamon

Bija Sound: RUM (roong)

Goddess: Sekhmet, Amaterasu

Seduction by: Charm and radiance.

Prone to: Arrogance and drama.

Power of Attraction: Radiant charisma. Venus in Leo attracts through confidence, charm, and a sense of grandeur. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to shine and captivate others with your presence. To harness this energy, focus on activities that boost your confidence and allow you to express your creativity and leadership.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I express my charm and confidence?
– What makes me feel radiant and empowered?
– How can I boost my self-esteem and self-expression?
– What creative projects or leadership roles am I ready to take on?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my charisma and creativity? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Virgo: The Temple Priestess

Element: Earth in the form of plants, leaves turning, flowers going to seed.

Gemstone: Peridot, Sapphire

Plant Ally: Rosemary, Lavender

Bija Sound: LAM (laang)

Goddess: Astraea, Vesta

Seduction by: Attention to detail.

Prone to: Perfectionism and overthinking.

Power of Attraction: Practical refinement. Venus in Virgo attracts through learning the pattern of a thing and knowing exactly how to improve upon it, attention to detail, and practical wisdom. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to bring order and improvement to your surroundings. To tap into this energy, focus on activities that allow you to refine and perfect your skills and your environment.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I show care and service to others?
– What areas of my life need more order and refinement?
– How can I improve my skills and attention to detail?
– What practical steps can I take to enhance my environment?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to improve my pattern recognition, practical wisdom and ability to serve? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Libra: The Harmonizer

Element: Air in the form of loving conversation.

Gemstone: Opal, Lapis Lazuli

Plant Ally: Rose, Thyme

Bija Sound:ย  YAIM (aing)

Goddess: Aphrodite, Hera

Seduction by: Grace and consideration.

Prone to: Indecisiveness and people-pleasing.

Power of Attraction: Graceful diplomacy. Venus in Libra attracts through charm, diplomacy, and inner harmony that emanates through relating. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to create harmony, fairness, and beauty in your interactions and surroundings. To harness this energy, focus on activities that promote peace, harmony, and aesthetic beauty.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I create harmony and balance in my relationships?
– What makes me feel charming and graceful?
– How can I improve my diplomatic skills and sense of fairness?
– What areas of my life need more balance and beauty?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my ability to create harmony in my environment and relationships? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Scorpio: The Intense Lover

Element: Water in the form of a deep well, frozen lakes, deep, dark, ocean water.

Gemstone: Obsidian, Topaz

Plant Ally: Basil, Patchouli

Bija Sound: VIM (veeng)

Goddess: Hecate, Kali

Seduction by: Depth and intensity.

Prone to: Jealousy and secrecy.

Power of Attraction: Magnetic intensity. Venus in Scorpio attracts through depth, intensity, and a powerful presence. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to connect deeply and transform through emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy in relationships. To harness this energy, focus on activities that allow you to explore and express your emotional and passionate nature.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I express my depth and intensity in relationships?
– What makes me feel passionate and powerful?
– How can I deepen my emotional connections and transform through them?
– What areas of my life need more intensity and focus?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my emotional depth and ability to transmute energy? Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

Venus in Sagittarius: The Adventurous Explorer

Element: Fire in the form of a radiating heat, campfire embers.

Gemstone: Turquoise, Amethyst

Plant Ally: Sage, Juniper

Bija Sound:ย  RUM (roong)

Goddess: Artemis, Rhiannon

Seduction by: Adventure and optimism.

Prone to: Restlessness and bluntness.

Power of Attraction: Adventurous spirit. Venus in Sagittarius attracts through enthusiasm, adventure, and a sense of freedom. Your power of attraction lies in your ability to inspire freedom and seek new horizons. To tap into this energy, focus on activities that expand your horizons, both physically and mentally, and embrace a spirit of exploration and optimism.

Writing Prompt:
– How do I express my adventurous spirit and enthusiasm?
– What new horizons am I ready to explore?
– How can I inspire others with my sense of freedom and optimism?
– What areas of my life need more adventure and exploration?
– What is one thing I can assign Mars and Saturn to do today to enhance my adventurous spirit and optimism?

Want to know more about your personal Venus in relation to your power of attraction? Book a reading here.

Read Venus’s 12 Love Languages

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