
Kali day 3: Kulla: Nitya of Self-Reflection

Om Kullayai Namaha

Sun:  20 Aries
Moon: 12 Scorpio, 204 degrees from Sun, Full Moon
Inner Moon: days 15-21, ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The healer, artist. Our humanity shines bright and the desire to connect with the resonate polarity is strong. Artistic and creative expressions are made manifest during full Moon phase. This is the polarity of our solar and lunar nature in orgasmic celebration and peak fertility during full Moon phase. In tantra yoga, this is the union of Moon and Sun, in and out-breath at the heart, breath pause kumbhaka. Relates with dawn and the element is earth. In the hero’s journey, this is the sacred Marriage of resonate polarities, between the archetypes of Sun/Moon. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is ovulation. The egg is released from ovary into fallopian tubes and the possibility of ferritization is greatest. Metaphysically, this is when we fertilize our creations with thought seeds and manifestation rituals have the greatest potential. The prime hormone for this phase is estrogen which stimulates luteinizing hormone which stimulates the release of the egg. This is also the peak of testosterone in the cycle so we see a lot of hormonal stimulation at full Moon phase.  The full Moon phase is about 72 hours, which also coincides closely to the time from onset of ovulation where fertilization is possible. Orgasm, ovulation, the moment of truth, polarity connection, endorphin high. Use foods that are packed with flavor, colorful, juicy and nutrient dense.


Moon in :

Scorpio Moon. intense mood. emotional memories of powerful experiences. What house is Moon transiting on your chart? This is the area of life where the content is most Scorpio-like. It’s activated by Moon’s reflective power.

Nutrition suggestion:

Scorpio foods are seductive, look like genitals, and often classified as aphrodisiacs. One of my favorite Scorpio foods are figs. They are dark (not all of them) and resemble ovaries and testicles. They aren’t in season here in California, but pretty easy to obtain as dry fruit. You can always soak them for an hour or two to rehydrate them. They are good for your regenerative organs, as all good Scorpio things. Give them a try!


Astrology info to consider:

Vesta, keeping the temple fires lit, is with Venus well into June showing us that feminine forces are being asked to do their sacred work. Ritual and ceremony are how we align our inner power with Great Spirit, God, Unified Field, or whatever you call that big energy.

Venus enters pre shadow phase this afternoon, preparing for retrograde on 13 May. Now we start to notice our Venus material; art, abundance, romantic styles, what we value. You can make all the money in the world, but without Venus it’s empty, shallow, and worthless.

Pluto ends the 47 days of all planets direct situation on April 25th. Pluto. Of all planets.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s “full” phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Carl Jung gave us the concept of archetypes. In the article, The Four Major Jungian Archetypes, for VeryWellMind.com, Kendra Cherry says, “The shadow is an archetype that consists of the sex and life instincts. The shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings.” This part is often projected onto the “villians” in our lives or in dreams and visions. When a shadow figure shows up in a dream, it is a great opportunity to heal, or make whole, this part of your psyche. Don’t run away. You may feel scared, and that is okay. Feeling fear is normal. Remember this is happening in your awareness, therefore part of you. Approach the character as you would a wounded animal that you want to help. See how you can be of service. The most repulsive dream characters often hold the keys to your inner treasure.

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