
Kali day 12: Balaka: Nitya of Self-Indulgence

Om, Balakayai Namaha

Sun:  28 Taurus
Moon: 13 Aries, 315 degrees from Sun, Balsamic
Inner Moon: transition between luteal and menstruation

Moon Vibes:

The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, energetic information, connection with disembodied energy like spirits. Ultra-creative, dream-like visionary with sharp mental acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering the gifts and lessons learned. Preparation phase for the next call to adventure at new Moon.

Moon in Aries:

Moon in Aries with asteroid Lilith. Extra fierce around emotions, dreams, sexuality, moods, inner reality, Moon things. You don’t need to fight when you’re clear about your boundaries. What’s your YES and your NO! Let those closest to you know. If they keep crossing well defined boundaries, gonna be a tough day for them. Use the Aries fire wisely.

Astrology info to consider:

Last 2 days of Taurus season. Sun making 120°harmonious connection with Jupiter, gold and abundance, miracles and promises for expansion. SBA loan approvals? Remember that you gotta pay it back and Venus, Jupiter, Pluto all deal with money and are all retrograde right now. Consider as much information as possible before choosing.

Mars in Pisces at a loose 120°angle to the N.node. Taking your Mars energy and using it for evolution (n.node) helps evolve your masculinity.

Nutrition suggestion:

Aries relates with head, teeth, tongue, arteries and heat related issues.

Black cherries are great for heat related issues!

Here’s something delicious and nutritious for waning Aries Moon in Taurus season.

Black Cherry Cacao

  • 1-2 handfuls of black cherries, frozen or fresh.
  • 1-2 TBLS raw or ceremonial grade cacao.
  • 1 cup hemp milk (or your favorite milk.)

Blend in blender until smooth. Add whatever little smoothie extras you like. Enjoy!


Disseminating moon in Aries tonight, under this moon phase we are integrating the wisdom received during this lunar cycle.  What will you do with the wisdom you’ve gained?  The Aries moon can bring the spark of bravery to share your wisdom with others. Tonight take time to reflect on the big picture of what you’ve been orbiting around this past month and acknowledge your experiences as teachers.

  • Create sacred space by lighting a candle on your altar, call in the fierce and brave energy of Aries and call on your spirit guides to support you here.
  • Practice candle gazing for 5 minutes or so, fixing your gaze on the flame, imagine the flame incinerating all mental chatter, leaving you with clarity and peace of mind.
  • In your journal reflect on the most impactful moments and/or experiences of this lunar cycle so far (started on April 22nd), out of all this event can you notice a common thread?  What have you been learning this month? And how does that relate to the intentions you set for this lunar cycle on the New Moon?
  • Becoming clear on the wisdom you are integrating now and decide how you can share this wisdom, you might want to share publicly or with a close friend.  Define the intention behind your sharing. Often it can be intimidating to share what feels so personal to us but when we share our stories we invite others to do the same. When we show our scars we remind others that healing is possible.
  • Take one action toward sharing a personal story or lesson of growth and gained wisdom.
  • Conclude in gratitude



In the moment of a scary dream, it is so challenging to face the characters. But if you can stay engaged in the dream, it is very valuable to ask the dream character:

  • What do you want?
  • Why are you here?
  • How can I assist you?

If they continue to be scary and attacking, tell them to stop! You can assert and stand up for yourself here. This practice directly translates to being able to empathize and connect with people in scary situations as well as stand your ground. Skills that many people aren’t comfortable with. If you end up waking yourself up out of fright or shock, try this dream reentry technique:

  • Reposition your body back to before you woke up.
  • Recall as much detail as possible from the dream you were just in.
  • Drift back into sleep while visualizing the dream.

This works for me most of the time, especially on those early morning dreams.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between luteal phase and menstruation? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


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