Lalita day 2: Nityaklinna: Nitya of Wetness
Om Nityaklinnayai Namaha
Sun: 1 Cancer
Moon: 18 Cancer, 17 degrees from Sun
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding
Moon Vibes:
The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight. Use foods with higher protein, nurturing, and easy to digest.
Moon in Cancer corresponds with breasts, womb, ovary, stomach, mucousa.
New Moon in Cancer is a great time to heal mucous membranes. I recommend doing at home yoni/lingam steam. Here’s a basic set up:
- Set up a camping potty chair or get a sheet you can wrap your self in while standing over the steam.
- Have a pot of boiled water with or without plants, tea or essential oil in it. You can also use a facial streamer. Start with something generally healing like calendula, lavender and rose.
- Set the pot under the chair or where you’re going to stand.
- Sit on the chair with the herbal steam under you. You can cover up with a sheet or blanket depending on how warm you want to feel.
- If you want ongoing steam, you can use a crock pot. This will take more preparation time, but worth it.
Take this time to mediate, relax, relish in the bliss of your sexuality. I like to imagine cleansing, healing, releasing any energy that is ready to shift. Read: Good Pussy
Moon in Cancer:
Moon still in Cancer, easing us into our newly awakened sense of home. Who is with you? How does home feel? Are there adjustments you’d like to make to this?
Astrology info to consider:
Mercury Rx at 13* Cancer inverting our perception of nurturance and support. Slow down an be attentive to your loved ones.
Sun on the north end of the nodal axis, forward moving towards what’s next.
Saturn: foundation, respect, diligent efforts. Venus: what we value, abundance, love relationships. Saturn and Venus lining up building sustainable and valuable relationships with lovers, resources, and partnerships of all kinds.
Pluto and Jupiter make contact, exact on the 3oth. Feeling extreme opposites. Pluto take you to your depth while Jupiter catapults you towards your highest self. Revelations and Miracles.
Tonight we are still feeling this New Moon Solar Eclipse, embraced in nurturing energy with Sun and Moon both in Cancer, if you did not get to it last night… use the guide from last night to ritualize the action of creating you dream altar. This lunar cycle we will put a strong emphasis on taking time to relax, support, protect and nurture ourselves in our present state. Tonight let’s begin to come choose seeds of thought to plant and grow through out this lunar cycle, we will plant these metaphorical seeds once the moon moves into Leo and we have a little more moon light to guide us.
- Grab your journal and create sacred space, breath all your awareness into the present moment and arrive here with gratitude for the gift of this moment.
- Call in the nurturing Divine feminine energy of Cancer and call on your Spirit guides to support you here.
- In your journal, write about nourishing and supportive actions you can make a regular habit out of ritualizing this month.
- What nourishes you daily?
- What makes you feel emotionally supported and taken care of?
- What does home mean to you?
- Who is with you when you feel most at home?
- What is your most ideal sense of home?
- Take several deep breaths. Center your awareness and relax. Complete the following statements with as many words that come to mind….
- I am…
- I feel…
- I choose…
- Now read each statement out loud, pausing afterward to feel the resonance of that statement in your body. Circle the statement that are most challenging or triggering to you when you read them, these are the ones that you’ll want to keep working with… keep this open, we will come back to this tomorrow.
- Conclude with gratitude. Take time to write a list of everything you are grateful for today and send heart felt mental notes of gratitude to Moon and your spirit guides for supporting you here.
Build a new dream altar for 6th Moon cycle.
It can be a big empty bowl where you dedicate space to hold tonight’s dream images. You can include anything that serves as an invitation or reminder that you care about dreams and want to engage with them. Your dream-self will be strengthened through this altar.
Watch this video about dreaming.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s bleeding phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.