Lalita day 8: Kulasundari: Nitya of Inner-Knowing
Om Kulasundariyai Namaha
Sun: 9 Gemini
Moon: 17 Virgo, 98 degrees from Sun, First Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 8-14, follicular/proliferation
Moon Vibes:
The warrior experiencing tension between self and group. Concerned with justice in the organizations and groups. Relates with vernal equinox and Ostara/Easter. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath (prana-vayu) from third-eye to the soft palate, relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, we are taking inspired action, feeling tension and resistance in group efforts, wanting to differentiate. Feeling strong and empowered to cross initiation threshold. Blazing new trails which could become new systems for society. First quarter Moon relates with follicular and proliferation hormones, building up of estrogen, uterine walls thickening, eggs maturing. This phase of lunar cycle can be powerful and exciting. Use it for courtship, dates night, seduction, and rituals that focus on building and growing. Use foods that nurture and support. Warm and comforting foods like root vegetables and curry spices.
Moon in Virgo needs the pattern to match their feeling. Virgo corresponds with intestines, digestive tract, and pancreas.
Virgo likes to sort and organize, making sure all the organs are completely nourished. Have you tried Arame? It’s a kelp that can be added to semi-complex 1 pot meals like stew or soup.
Moon in virgo:
Moon in Virgo we feel called to serve by lending our skills to our community. Moon opposite Mars in Pisces feeling compelled to act, in poetic ways. Mars in Pisces fights for love, like a love warrior. The weapons are art tools. Moon squaring up with Venus today causing a friction between nurturing/healing and abundance/romance. One isn’t better than the other, both are necessary. How can you provide and receive both Moon and Venus?
Moon in opposition with Neptune by night. What a great time for dreaming about sacred work, sharing your gifts of service to humanity, understanding love and your role in it.
Astrology info to consider:
Mercury on north end of the nodal axis today. Cleanse your hair, open a book, open to receive the information that wants to come through. Share what you are called to share.
First quarter Moon in Virgo who is led by ritual and service. Moon in opposition to Neptune tonight creates a beautiful condition for dreaming about sacred work and your service to humanity. Incorporate your favorite cleansing ritual into your night.
- Begin by making yourself a nourishing cup of tea with intention of healing, serve yourself this tea in your favorite chalice and carry to your altar.
- Create sacred space in front of your altar… light a candle, burn incense or diffuse essential oil, all in the spirit of ritual. Call in the practical wisdom of Virgo and call on your spirit guides to support you here.
- Virgo vibes can great a busy mind so take time to unwind and clear out any to-do list taking up your present awareness… write it out on paper, create a list of things to-do and when you feel complete redirect your attention to your breath.
- Close your eyes for a moment and feel your awareness in your body, focusing on your breath imagine your heart working as the lung, feel as if you are breathing in and out of your heart. Do this for a few moment and then open your eyes and make another list… a list of everything you are grateful for in this moment and all the moments you are grateful for today.
- Now your awareness is centered in your heart, continue to reflect in your journal on these questions… write in streams on consciousness, taking a moment to close your eyes and reconnect to your heart as often as you need. What is your sacred work? If you could contribute to humanity in any way at all… what would that look like? What would that feel like? How can you apply your unique skill set to be of service to humanity? Describe your a typical day in your dream life.
- Now before you conclude take a moment to reflect on your intentions you formulated on the new Moon, where are you at with these intentions? How are they growing and what do they need to continue growing?
- Conclude in gratitude.
Here’s a fun reality check for waking life:
Get a blank card and write, “Is this a dream?” Keep it where you can see it and make it a habit to look at it frequently, maybe every few hours. Everytime you look at it, look twice in a row. On the second glance, if the letters are not the same or look different in any way, you are probably dreaming. You can answer by saying, “I am dreaming.” But say calm so you don’t wake yourself up.
What would you want to do in a lucid dream? I like to look for my favorite dead people so I can ask them questions. Sometimes when I ask to meet with someone, they appear. I’ve talked with Bob Marley, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Tupac, and deceased family members. When they don’t appear, I’ll approach and talk to the most unlikely character in the dream. Like plants, animals, or old people sitting quietly by themselves. Kind of like in waking life.
Watch this video about dreaming.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s follicular/proliferation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.