Lalita day 6: Shivaduti: Nitya of Communication
Om Shivadutiyai Namaha
Sun: 7 Gemini
Moon: 19 Leo, 69 degrees from Sun, Waxing Crescent Moon
Inner Moon: transition between bleeding and follicular/proliferation
Moon Vibes:
Individuality. Going extreme, leaping out, feeling a strong desire for manifesting those new Moon intentions. Feeling an extreme sense of hunger for our mission and divine guidance. Developing awareness of spiritual and sexual identity. This phase relates with Imbolc/Candlemas. In tantra yoga, this is somachara, descending course of Moon, in-breath (prana-vayu) from crown to the third-eye, relates with last quarter of daylight and the element is air. In the hero’s journey this phase is where we are feeling our desires, sensing into the intentions and meet a mentor in human, plant, animal or other than human form. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is transitional including bleeding and the building up of the uterine nest in the follicular/proliferation phase. Use clean, easy to digest food.
Leo corresponds with heart, aorta, blood pressure, blood circulation. In spring we are focusing on cleansing. Spring is where we embody bringing the light of Sun to fullness. Here are some foods that help blood circulation:
- Berries, especially blackberries
- Carrots
- Beets
- Turmeric
- Banana
- Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Moon in leo:
Moon in self-loving, self-sufficient Leo. Growing in light that reaches beyond self and includes others. The Leo mysteries are about self-love that is all inclusive and inspires other to love more.
Astrology info to consider:
Sun and Mars working towards 90° angle, friction and irritation meant to get you out of comfort into action. | ||
Mercury on the north end of nodal axis today. North is evolution, destiny, the direction we are progressing towards. In opposition to the south, we clearly understand our past patterns, karmic debt that is being repaid by all of us. Mercury on this axis heightens awareness and communication. When you get the message, put the phone down and take action on what you’ve received. |
Moon in Leo all day and tonight, Leo has a special way of learning and showing us how to walk in Self Love. To really love yourself opens you to experience freedom in your being, when you embody Love for yourself you aren’t seeking validation and/or Love form other but rather you meet that need within. Tonight we practice one of my favorite rituals, the Leo Moon Self Love Ritual. If you have strong Leo placements in your birth chart or if you connect to this ritual in a deep way I recommend adding this practice to your daily routine as least for a few weeks and see how it helps you walk in embodies Self-Love every day.
The Love you have for yourself is the same Love you have for the Divine, loving yourself is an invocation of the Divine Love within you.
For this ritual you will need a mirror. I keep a hand mirror at my altar for this ritual and veil the mirror when not in use, in this way I honor this particular mirror as sacred. Any mirror will do well for this ritual.
- Create sacred space in front of your mirror, calling in the Self-Loving energy of Leo and call on your spirit guides to support you here.
- Make eye contact with yourself in the mirror. Gaze into your eyes.
- And say to yourself, “I Love You.”
- Again and again. Take your time to feel the resonance after your words each time. Witness any thoughts that arises in your mind. Feel the currents of emotions that flow through you. Notice any insights that drop in. Practice with the mirror for at least 5 minutes or longer if you like.
- Before closing sacred space, leave time to reflect in your journal on what this experience brought up for you and how you are feeling. Wrap your arms around your chest giving yourself a warm and loving hug. Make tea for yourself. Massage yourself. Make your bed for yourself. Love on yourself in any and all ways you need tonight.
- Conclude in Gratitude.
- As you are falling asleep tonight, say to yourself “Goodnight, I love you.”
Day dreaming is just as potent as night dreaming. Maybe even more because you will be more alert. Sit in a chair and hold something in your hand that will make a sound when it drops. You can use a metal pan as a drop zone to make sure your item dropping into it wakes you. This is a technique used by surreal artist, Salvador Dali, to capture awareness of the images of liminal reality.
Watch this video about dreaming.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between bleeding and follicular phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.