Kali day 8: Ugraprabha: Nitya of Introspection
Om Ugraprabhayai Namaha
Sun: 23 Gemini
Moon: 27 Moon, 274 degrees from Sun, Last Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 22-28, Luteal
Moon Vibes:
The wise elder sensing the smell of ending and learning to gracefully let go and go home. Sense of longing. The bitter sweetness of knowing the necessity of ending and becoming acutely aware of death that permeates all of life. This phase relates with the autumnal equinox and Mabon. In tantra yoga, this is suryachara, ascending course of Sun with the out-breath moving upward from throat to soft palette. Relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, this is the phase is where we cross the return threshold. We feel freedom and courage to explore more of our humanity. In the menstrual cycle, this is luteal phase. Like the Luteal phase in inner Moon cycle, Balsamic Moon vibe is fierce, direct, got no time for BS. Get to the point. Be real. Show yourself. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious and we have the energy to make necessary changes. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. Use foods that Use foods that are light, cooling, and inflammation reducing.
Aries Moon relates with head, teeth, tongue, arteries. Element is Fire. In the luteal phase of Moon cycle, we are more irritated, irritable and hot tempered. Here are some inflammation reducing foods that are alkalizing.
- Dark green leafy
- Broccoli
- Berries
- Turmeric, ginger, garlic
- Pinapple
The most helpful thing for reducing inflammation is avoiding caffeine, alcohol and refinded products marketed as food. Also, chillingTF out through stress reduction technology, meditation and deep breathing.
Moon in Pisces and Aries:
Dissiminating Moon changing from Pisces into Aries by afternoon. 274° between Sun and Moon, nearing the end of 5th Moon cycle. Aries Moon feels independent, action oriented, knows how to channel hot emotions into movement
Moon moving towards conjunction with Chiron by this time tomorrow. Great for healing and integration work.
Astrology info to consider:
Sun approaching North end of nodal axis these next 7 days. Evolutionarymindset. Things become crystal clear on what needs to happen in order to go towards life’s calling.
Venus rx ends on 25 Jun. Shadow phase ends on 29Jul. Lovelife, financial situation, relationship with earth becomes more clear.
One more week of Gemini season. How will you use this informative, creative, playful, fun-making phase?
Conclude with gratitude.
Nightmares are an opportunity to stretch beyond fears and limitations. Facing fears in sleeping dreams builds confidence and strengthens your ability to face fears while you’re awake. By looking at the characters, situations, and dream symbols as aspects of yourself, you can find your edges and consciously expand them. When encountering scary figures and objects in dreams:
- Become curious.
- Be hospitable.
- Turn towards rather than running from them.
- Ask them why they are there, what they want or need, how can you help?
- If the character or objects become threatening, stand up for yourself.
Practicing in dreams helps build confidence to practice these principles in waking life.
Watch this video about dreaming.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s luteal phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.