
Lalita day 3: Bherunda: Nitya of Ferocity

Om Bherundayai Namaha

Sun: 5 Taurus
Moon: 4 Gemini, 29 degrees from Sun, New Moon
Inner Moon: transition between bleeding and follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

Individuality. Going extreme, leaping out, feeling a strong desire for manifesting those new Moon intentions. Feeling an extreme sense of hunger for our mission and divine guidance. Developing awareness of spiritual and sexual identity. This phase relates with Imbolc/Candlemas. In tantra yoga, this is somachara, descending course of Moon, in-breath (prana-vayu) from crown to the third-eye, relates with last quarter of daylight and the element is air. In the hero’s journey this phase is where we are feeling our desires, sensing into the intentions and meet a mentor in human, plant, animal or other than human form. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is transitional including bleeding and the building up of the uterine nest in the follicular/proliferation phase. Use clean, easy to digest food.

Moon in Gemini:

Moon in Gemini corresponds with shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes, lungs. The parts where we split into 2. Polarity. Where do you want to direct your “creative muse” energy today and tomorrow?

Moon in amusing Gemini. Be the artist and the muse today. play for the fun of playing, not production. Like making art out of sand, creative movement or sound for no recording. Almost waxing crescent, but not quite.

Astrology info to consider:

Mercury and Pluto/Jupiter in challenging 90° alignment. Conversation gets deep, revealing purpose and meaning, intimate truth. Our perception is being urged to include Plutonic information while also being able to accept the miracle of Jupiter. Our minds deepening and expanding all in the same “time.”

Sun 1° from exact with Uranus today. Stay open to change. It is hitting like lighting strikes, unpredictable and electrifying to body. Take extra care of nervous system ⚡❤⚡

Venus Mars harmonizing our sexual polarity and demonstrating easy flow between values/attraction and action/desire.

Nutrition suggestion:

Moon in Gemini can increase wind, aka gas. Here’s an easy recipe to decrease digestive wind:


  • 1 part licorice root powder
  • 1 part clarified butter,
  • gheeBlend and put it in a jar.


Can increase or decrease amounts to get a texture and taste that works for you.


Gemini Moon Ritual

Tonight we will get creative so gather some art supplies… colored pencils, markers, crayons, paints, magazine clippings and glue or whatever you have/like.  This is not about being a skilled artist, it’s about expressing the inner creative that lives within each of us.  Give any child art supplies and they will create!  Put yourself in that state of mind for this ritual. 

Creating sacred space, calling in the creative and carefree spirit of Gemini.  Call on your spirit guides to support you in your creative expression.  Breath your awareness into your body, becoming fully present here and now.

Begin your ritual by putting on music that makes you want to move, flow, sway, and dance.  Feel the joy of moving your body freely and expressively.  Express all the emotions you felt today through movement.

Now in your journal or on any other paper create a visual representation of your intentions for this moon cycle.  You might use imagery or you might artfully write out the words. You might collage and combine multiple mediums.  Allow the process to unfold playfully, there is no right or wrong way to go about this ritual. 

Conclude in gratitude.


Yesterday we built a dream altar for 4th Moon cycle. Did you receive any dream fragments, images, or memories from your dreams? Write them in your dream journal without censorship. The more you correspond with dreams, the more clarity you will receive them with. If you received any dreams, find one thing to place on your altar to honor the dream. This can be something that represents the dream symbol or something that will trigger a remembrance during waking life. We want to integrate dreams into daytime reality for cohesion of bodymind and soul.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s menstrual phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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