
Lalita day 5: Vajreshvari: Nitya of the Thunderbolt

Om Vajreshvariyai Namaha

Sun:  9 Aries
Moon: 7 Gemini, 58 degrees from Sun, Waxing Crescent Moon
Inner Moon: transition between bleeding and follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

Individuality. Going extreme, leaping out, feeling a strong desire for manifesting those new Moon intentions. Feeling an extreme sense of hunger for our mission and divine guidance. Developing awareness of spiritual and sexual identity. This phase relates with Imbolc/Candlemas. In tantra yoga, this is somachara, descending course of Moon, in-breath (prana-vayu) from crown to the third-eye, relates with last quarter of daylight and the element is air. In the hero’s journey this phase is where we are feeling our desires, sensing into the intentions and meet a mentor in human, plant, animal or other than human form. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is transitional including bleeding and the building up of the uterine nest in the follicular/proliferation phase. Use clean, easy to digest food.


Moon in Gemini:

Body parts associated with Gemini: shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes and lungs.

Moon 59° from Sun, waxing crescent phase. In Gemini, the creative muse, lover of freeform play, we feel spontaneous! Get up and do the thing. Dance, sing, write, play your instrument, create your art. Close proximity with Vesta, we are reminded: keep doing your sacred work. We need the art, music, writing, dance, that you were made to do. So please continue …

Gemini Moon in 90° with Mercury, planet of communication. Challenges around intuitive insights and translating meanings of dreams, feelings, symbols. Don’t get caught up in needing to translate. Allowing dreams and symbols to have a life of their own means not always needing to know what they’re doing.


Nutrition suggestion:

Moon in Gemini can increase wind, aka gas. Here’s an easy recipe to decrease digestive wind:


  • 1 part licorice root powder.
  • 1 part clarified butter, ghee.
  • Blend and put it in a jar.
  • Eat a spoonful or add to tea.

Can increase or decrease amounts to get a texture and taste that works for you.




Moon in Gemini inspires our creative and playful side to come forward.  Tonight’s Gemini Moon ritual has no rules!  As always, all you need to create ritual is your self and your embodied presence, everything else is a choice.  Choose playfully tonight, what sounds like that most fun to you? Dancing and singing to music you love?  Getting creative with dinner and following no recipe. Maybe it’s drawing, painting, or writing a fictional story?  Ever tried origami? Maybe you’ll learn something brand new tonight!

Here my idea for a Gemini Moon Ritual, follow this or create your own:

Gemini reminds me of music, the way music encapsulates creations and feelings through instrumentations and lyrics.  The idea for this practice is to draw a song.  To link the experience of listening to your own creative imagination through color and imagery.

Pick out a song you have really been vibing with recently, one you won’t mind listening to a few time over.  Think if this song was a color (or a color palate) what would that be? Pick out your colored utensils and a piece of paper.  Be sure to take time to relax into your space before you begin, you know… make it ritual!  Maybe you’ll ask the uninhibited playful spirit of Gemini to guide you in this practice. Put your chosen song on repeat and allow creation to flow!  Drop out of your head space and into the experience at hand.  Imagine the vibrations of the song moving from your heart through your arms and hands, guiding your creation.

Remember to put no rules or judgement on you experience tonight and choose what sounds like the most fun! In-Joy!

As always, conclude in gratitude.

Astrology info to consider:

The Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter saga is in easy, grace flowing connection with Venus, planet of beauty, art, romantic love, all the things that make life pleasurable. There’s nothing to “do” with 120° angles but to allow. Be receptive and open for this energy to move in your life.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s new phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Waking up is crucial for dream recall. Here are a few tips for waking up with the intention to record and honor your dream reality.

  1. Use body clock, not alarm. This may take training. Intent to wake up 30 min earlier than usual by body clock. Set a back up alarm until your body clock takes over.
  2. Stay in dream position upon awakening so you can capture dream mist.
  3. Rehearse the parts you remember and then start writing them down as soon as possible.

Watch this video about dreaming.

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