day 25: Ghana: Nitya of Deconstruction
Om Ghanayai Namaha
20 January, Monday, Moon day
Sun: 0 Aquarius
Moon: 10 Sagittarius, 310 degrees from Sun
Balsamic Moon, exact 315 degrees
Inner Moon: transition between luteal and menstruation
• Visually: 300-360
• Textbook: 300-345
The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, likely connection with disembodied energy, aka ghosts. Ultra-creative and attuned to dreamlike visionary acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering gifts and lessons learned. Preparation for the next call to adventure.
Moon in Sagittarius corresponds with liver, hips, thighs and sacrum. During these last days of 13th Moon cycle which feel like luteal/proliferation phase, taking care of the liver and livery emotions like frustration, irritation, anxiety (heart and liver) feels important. Dandelion roots and greens, radish, burdock, and bitter plants are super foods for the liver. Doing a castor oil pack over liver is ultra nourishing. Milk thistle is well known an herbal healer for liver. Working with liver emotionally may look like taking action to move energy. Physical exertion unrelated to the trigger and physically moving in ways that empower you in relation to your trigger. Just don’t hurt yourself or anyone. Liver energy is strong and bitter. Better to get it out than keep it in.
Mars is with the Moon today as well, bringing in the extra fire and possibly aggression. This energy can be used to move mountains, like the Capricorn mountain we just experienced. What were your takeaways from Capricorn season? How does that take away help you move forward today with Moon/Mars in Sagittarius during the PMS-like phase of the Moon?
Ritual: Call in sacred space, reestablish boundaries, give thanks. Ask: what is the best use of my energy today? Listen to your body’s responses, write, say, draw or scream your response. Any range of expression is welcome. If you got any specific actions to take today, schedule a time to do them and make sure it happens. Close sacred space and give thanks.