
Kali day 13: Matra: Nitya of Self-Knowledge

Om Matrayai Namaha

Sun:  0 Taurus
Moon: 22 Pisces, 337 degrees from Sun, Balsamic
Inner Moon: transition between luteal and menstruation

Moon Vibes:

The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, energetic information, connection with disembodied energy like spirits. Ultra-creative, dream-like visionary with sharp mental acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering the gifts and lessons learned. Preparation phase for the next call to adventure at new Moon.


Moon in Pisces:

Moon in Pisces all day until after midnight. I don’t see significant Moon relationships with other planets, all loose angles. Still dreaming, knowing things by how they feel, being a wave, moving like a cloud.

Astrology info to consider:

Sun moved into Taurus around 8 am. Moon will meet Sun on 22 April for new Moon. Do you resonate more with Solar or Lunar calendar month?

At new Moon, Sun and Moon will be at 3°Taurus, Uranus the change agent, is at 6. Radical shifts and energy liberated around freedom, pleasure, earth tending, natural beauty, strength of embodiment, abundance, and the whole spectrum of Taurus issues.

The easy connection between Venus/Mars in air signs is getting our minds right, easing the tension between attraction/values and desire/action.

Nutrition suggestion:


The Moon remains in passive Pisces tonight and will move into assertive Aries by morning. Soak up this peaceful, dreamy energy tonight and allow your ritual to support your rest and relaxation.  We have more direct access to our dreams when we are fully relaxed in body and mind.

Tonight we will practice Body Scan Meditation, if you are new to this practice using a guide can be very helpful… I like this one, you may want to search around to find a voice that you like. The technique is to scan your awareness through your whole body, allowing awareness to shift from one part to the next, consciously relaxing all parts of the body.  Typically starting from the extremities and working towards center and upwards, for example start with awareness of tips of the toes gradually move awareness past all parts of the leg upwards towards the hip, relaxing the whole leg(one side at time). Then moving awareness to finger tips and relaxing all parts of the arm upwards towards the shoulder(one side at time). Then continue on to relax your core, from the pelves upwards towards the skull, relaxing every tiny muscle of the face and head.

Tonight’s ritual is inspired by the insight you will read about under Dreams. Tonight allow your ritual and your pre-bedtime routine be one, consecrate the art of sleep and dreams.

  • Call in the dreamy flow of Pisces, breathing your awareness into your present space and asking your spirit guides to support you.
  • Set a vibe and set an intention, this is always an essential part of ritual.  What is your why tonight? Connecting with the heart of your reason why brings grounding and magic to your practice.
  • Continue with the practice of your nightly routines of cleansing and closure, weaving the tread of intention through your actions.
  • When you get into bed practice your body scan relaxation technique, followed by the lucid dream technique(see under Dreams).

As the intention tonight is for your ritual to flow right into your dream and sleep state, remember to conclude in gratitude after you wake up and reflect in your dream journal.


To prepare for lucid dream techniques:


  • Do your nightly routines for cleansing and closure.
  • Write the date and dream incubation if you have something you want to address in dreams.
  • Practice tracking events of your day from now backwards.

This practice works best when your body is completely relaxed, the room is dark but you are not too tired.

  1. Rub your hands together and lightly cup them over your closed eyes.
  2. Relax your mind while holding a thread of awareness.
  3. When thoughts arise, notice but do not engage them.

Shapes and colors will start to appear behind your closed eyes. Using the thread of awareness you’re holding, engage with the images. Decide what you want to see and start shifting the images into that. My hypnagogia starts off random and blob-like then slowly turns into refined geometric shapes. I imagine seeing triangles and the images shift into triangles. Keep shifting the images until your dreaming mind steps in. This technique is called WILD, wake induced lucid dreaming. You essentially dream yourself to sleep. The more you practice, the more lucid your experience of life become. Both in dreaming and waking reality. The point of all this is to increase your awareness and mastery of your mind.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between luteal and menstruation? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


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