
Kali day 7: Ugra: Nitya of Fierceness

Om Ugrayai Namaha

Sun:  24 April
Moon: 9 Capricorn, 265 degrees from Sun, Last Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 22-28, Luteal

Moon Vibes:

The wise elder sensing the smell of ending and learning to gracefully let go and go home. Sense of longing. The bitter sweetness of knowing the necessity of ending and becoming acutely aware of death that permeates all of life. This phase relates with the autumnal equinox and Mabon. In tantra yoga, this is suryachara, ascending course of Sun with the out-breath moving upward from throat to soft palette. Relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, this is the phase is where we cross the return threshold. We feel freedom and courage to explore more of our humanity. In the menstrual cycle, this is luteal phase. Like the Luteal phase in inner Moon cycle, Balsamic Moon vibe is fierce, direct, got no time for BS. Get to the point. Be real. Show yourself. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious and we have the energy to make necessary changes. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. Use foods that Use foods that are light, cooling, and inflammation reducing.


Moon in Capricorn:

  • Moon in Capricorn relates with backbone, knees, joints, hair, bones, teeth, nails.
  • Capricorn is our structure. Physical and invisible structures like rules that govern our life.

Moon: intuition, emotional states of inner world and micro-mothering (nurture, discipline, comfort) moving towards Pluto/Jupiter, exact tomorrow morning. In Capricorn, Moon is steadying, disciplinary, adjusting our emotional compass towards sustainability and foundational stability. Transiting Pluto/Jupiter, we feel into our inner release of old belief structures while deeply accepting things we have hid from the world.

Astrology info to consider:

Today and tomorrow Aries Sun shines growth potential and awareness on Pluto/Jupiter. How do you feel when your beliefs are brought to question or you receive “unsolicited advice?” Aries Sun shining in 90°angle with Jupiter/Pluto feels like that. Do you need to protect your beliefs? If they were the highest benefit for you, maybe it won’t offend you to have them questioned.

♀️Venus in Gemini, mental receptivity. Venus with Vesta brings desire for sacred work. In 120°angle with action-oriented ♂️Mars in tech-heady Aquarius, information shared through breath is flowing harmoniously. This easy aspect is non triggering, therefore easy to ignore. But it can be consciously worked with for inner marriage of femme/masc within and without.

Nutrition suggestion:

Foods that are building collagen, skin, hair, nails are good to eat when Moon is in Capricorn. I used bone broth after giving birth at home in 2013. It was recommended by an Ayurveda doctor I studied with in India. I break out the bone broth when I feel depleted or have the flu. It is strong medicine. Give it a try! It’s also a good tool to have for helping other people with bone and overall strength related issues.

Ritual: Capricorn Moon Rest Ritual

With the moon in Capricorn we can feel the contractive pressure of our need to respond to life’s circumstances. Today rest your system with this powerfully restorative posture… Legs up the wall.  This posture is deeply relaxing on all levels of the being as it activates the Parasympathetic nervous system, or our innate inner healing response. Other benefits may include: reduced inflammation, enriched blood flow to brain, reverse the effects of gravity on the legs and feet, and improve circulation.

Decide where you will practice and take time to prepare you space, bringing blankets and pillows to support your absolute comfort in this position. Be sure your feet will be warm, maybe with warm socks.

Once your space is ready, establish boundaries around your time and dedication to this ritual of rest.  Be clear with yourself and any others whom you may share space with that this time is dedicated to peace and rest.

Set your self up in Legs up the Wall posture, you may want a pillow under your pelvic or skull, or both.

Connect to the grounding lineage of Capricorn and call on your spirit guides to support your intention of rest.  Practice conscious breathing, become fully aware of your body and being. Trust the process.

Once you’re finished, schedule in your planner a time to do this rest ritual again tomorrow.

Conclude in gratitude.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s luteal phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


The objects in your dreams are reflections of your awareness. Each new object is from the light of one source projecting the illusion of your mind back to you. How does looking at your dreams this way make you feel about objects in your waking reality? While you are in the dream, you have no reason to believe that what is occurring isn’t real. But when you wake up, you say to yourself, “It was just a dream.” Then you go on about taking your waking life very seriously. Just for tonight, take your dreaming life just as seriously. When you wake up, write:

  1. Your first thoughts.
  2. Remembrances of dreams.
  3. How you felt in the dream.
  4. How you feel upon waking.

Keep your dream journal along side your daily journal to have a dual awareness of waking and sleeping reality.

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