
Kali day 5: Virodhini: Nitya of Self-Acceptance
Om Virodhinyai Namaha
Sun: 22 Aries
Moon: 11 Sagittarius, 229 degrees from Sun, Disseminating/Waning Crescent Moon
Inner Moon: transition between ovulation and luteal phase

Moon Vibes:

The Shaman doing the deep inner work of acceptance and surrender. We sense into and through the chaos and crave liberation for self and others. We attune to the mysteries of life cycles, death and rebirth. We lose our sense of self-importance. This phase relates with Lammas. In tantra yoga, this starts surychara, ascending course of the Sun with the out-breath moving upward from heart to throat. Relates with first quarter of the day (morning) and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is the return journey. We are feeling gratitude for survival and ready to integrate the gifts from the journey. In the menstrual cycle, this is transition between the high of ovulation and the hormonal shifts of luteal phase.

Moon in Sagittarius:

Relates with liver, hips and thighs.

Moon making harmonious 120°angle with Neptune, planet of dreams, visions, illusions. Neptune is the WHOLE sea of consciousness. Notice where your inner reality and whole awareness beyond ego identity, soul, spirit all connected with collective consciousness.

Astrology info to consider:

Pluto/Jupiter hard at work breaking up the foundations of our shared reality.

Venus/Vesta in sweet, easy angle with Mars, assistance in our ♀️sensual livelihood and abilty to move our essence outward♂️

Mercury moving toward same degree as Chiron, exact on 14/15th of Apr. Helps us digest information that we’ve yet been able to. With Chiron, it’s likely to be a profound experience.

Nutrition suggestion:


Sagittarius is a fiery energy of wisdom and spiritual insight enacted with passion and purpose.  Tonight our ritual will focus on tapping into the personal knowledge burning with in.

Light a candle on your altar, take a few fully conscious breaths, grounding your awareness here, call in the wisdom and drive of Sagittarius, and ask your spirit guides to support you.

Begin by reading these words by Rumi:

“It is a burning of the heart that I want, it is this burning that is everything, more precious then a worldly empire, because it calls god secretly in the night.” -Rumi

Reflecting on these words and what this invokes in you. What is this burning of your heart?  What exactly is more then all the world’s empires to you?

Find out what’s on your heart by getting out of your head and into your heart:

  • Close your eyes and focus on breathing naturally and rhythmically
  • Place one hand of both over you heart space or practice Anjali mudra
  • Bring the awareness of your breath into your heart space, imagine your heart working as the lung
  • Connect with what is present in this space, be open to what is
  • You can ask question to your heart, some question you might want to ask your heart tonight: What feeds the fire of my heart? What is my purpose now? What is true?
  • Don’t expect your heart to speak like your mind, the heart has it’s own language. You’ll know you are listening to your heart when the answers are felt, when you feel the warm or burning here you know your heart is speaking.

Finish your ritual by reflecting in your journal on the wisdom you hold in you heart tonight.  Make a plan to share this wisdom in some way with many people or at least one person. Be clear about your purpose behind sharing this wisdom.

Conclude in gratitude.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s climax, peak fertility, ovulation point? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

I treat my dreams like a beloved who I am interested in getting to know. I’m curious about them, ask them questions, treat and talk about them as sacred, not crazy or weird. I want to know what they love and make space for them to approach me.

  1. Ask to recieve a dream.
  2. Have your dream journal ready.
  3. In the morning, instead of asking what your dream means, ask, “What does this dream want?”
  4. Bring the most prominent dream symbol into your day time reality by writing about it or finding an object that represents it to place on your altar.

This process not only builds relationship with your dreams, it strengthens the (often) underutilized part of consciousness that speaks symbolic language. This strengthens inner authority and confidence in your intuition.

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