
Lalita day 4: Vahnivasini: Nitya of Fire

Om Vahnivasiniyai Namaha

Sun: 8 Aries
Moon: 25 Taurus, 47 degrees from Sun, Waxing Crescent Moon
Inner Moon: transition between bleeding and follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

Individuality. Going extreme, leaping out, feeling a strong desire for manifesting those new Moon intentions. Feeling an extreme sense of hunger for our mission and divine guidance. Developing awareness of spiritual and sexual identity. This phase relates with Imbolc/Candlemas. In tantra yoga, this is somachara, descending course of Moon, in-breath (prana-vayu) from crown to the third-eye, relates with last quarter of daylight and the element is air. In the hero’s journey this phase is where we are feeling our desires, sensing into the intentions and meet a mentor in human, plant, animal or other than human form. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is transitional including bleeding and the building up of the uterine nest in the follicular/proliferation phase. Use clean, easy to digest food.

Moon in Taurus moving into Gemini:

Moon and Venus together in Taurus, wanting stability, enjoyment, beauty, art. 🌒♀️Sense pleasure, self love and possibly extending that to sensual based relationships. ♀️Venus/♂️Mars, the power of sexual polarity in 120°harmonious aspect. No fighting, only flowing. Pluto encourages through destruction and loss. Jupiter shows you where the pot of gold is and shines light on which direction to journey towards. But you have to have courage to go.

Nutrition suggestion:

Steam your face. Breathe the steam into your nose and mouth. Your skin will benefit and be beautified in Taurus fashion while water and fire work on your respiratory tract to clean and clear any and all pathogens. Lungs relate with grief which is often held in by shallow breathing. Breathe deeply and allow movement. Use e.o for added support. Frankincense, lavender, eucalyptus, manuka … or my favorite current steam blend: Ylang-Ylang, turmeric and manuka.



Astrology info to consider:

Aries Sun shines motivation for the cause. What is your cause? With Chiron/Lilith still just 3°close, still may feel easily triggered around chips on your shoulder. Why not look at those?

“Instructions for Changing the World” starring Saturn, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter with a powerful cameo appearance from Uranus and Moon. Written and directed by Capricorn elders.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition from bleeding into follicular phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Dreams are like theater. Become aware of the parts of your dream to better work with the material being acted out.


  • Exposition: setting the mood, introducing characters and the situation.
  • Plot development: conflicting patterns of energy and characters.
  • Climax: things blow up, confrontation, or character strategy is reversed.
  • Ending: resolution and closure.


Is your dream life missing any of these areas? If so, focus on that in waking life. Ask your dream guides for help with developing this part tonight.


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