21 December, Saturday, Saturn day
Sun: 29 Sagittarius
Moon: 2 Scorpio, 313 degrees from Sun
Balsamic Moon, exact 315 degrees
• Visually: 300-360
• Textbook: 300-345
The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, likely connection with disembodied energy, aka ghosts. Ultra-creative and attuned to dreamlike visionary acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering gifts and lessons learned. Preparation for the next call to adventure.
Scorpio Moon relates with genitals, genes, ovaries, prostate, anus. In Taurus we take in and receive pleasures of life. In Scorpio we give and release them. We desire deep connection where we can share the mysteries of life and death. Shallow meetings are not tolerated during Scorpio Moon which can often lend to deep diving alone. If you want to build intimacy, practice a guided shamanic journey together.
The choices you make today become part of your story tomorrow. In the story of your life, through all the twists and turns, you must make peace with your innermost self. Sensing that the end is near, we look for pieces we need for closure. If the pieces aren’t there, we find grace and make peace by choice. Nothing lasts forever and even the best lived life ends in death. It is humbling to any ego to sit at the edge of a mountain top or the bed of another human near the end of life. While still alive, make choices that you will be proud of and choose love above all else. The moments you were 100% present with loved ones are what really matter. In the last 2 days before the dark Moon, reflect on your story, if you haven’t already been doing that during this mystic Moon phase. Get into a meditative state, breathing lunar energy in and solar energy out. Ask your innermost being to show you life pieces that need healing or integrative work. When feelings, words, images, and/or sensations arise, meet them with loving awareness. If you find yourself pushing them back, try bringing them closer. Think inclusively, because this too is part of you. Go back to yesterday’s post if you’d like to do some integration work on anything that comes up today.
Emotional eating can be triggered during this phase. Either too much or not enough resouces in the form of nutrition can be harmful to your precious body. Take a little time today to plan out a nutrition packed meal that will feed your inner child.
How have your dreams been? Are you getting too tied at night? This can sometimes inhibit the ability to remember dream activity.
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? How does that relate with the outer?