
Kali day 1: Kali: Nitya of Emotions

Om Kalikayai Namaha

Sun:  17 Taurus
Moon: 17 Libra, 180 degrees from Sun, Full Moon exact at 3:45 am
Inner Moon: days 15-21, ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The healer, artist. Our humanity shines bright and the desire to connect with the resonate polarity is strong. Artistic and creative expressions are made manifest during full Moon phase. This is the polarity of our solar and lunar nature in orgasmic celebration and peak fertility during full Moon phase. In tantra yoga, this is the union of Moon and Sun, in and out-breath at the heart, breath pause kumbhaka. Relates with dawn and the element is earth. In the hero’s journey, this is the sacred Marriage of resonate polarities, between the archetypes of Sun/Moon. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is ovulation. The egg is released from ovary into fallopian tubes and the possibility of fertilization is greatest. Metaphysically, this is when we fertilize our creations with thought seeds. Manifestation rituals have the greatest potential. The prime hormone for this phase is estrogen which stimulates luteinizing hormone which stimulates the release of the egg. This is also the peak of testosterone in the cycle so we see a lot of hormonal stimulation at full Moon phase.  The full Moon phase is about 72 hours, which also coincides closely to the time from onset of ovulation where fertilization is possible. Orgasm, ovulation, the moment of truth, polarity connection, endorphin high. Use foods that are packed with flavor, colorful, juicy and nutrient dense.

Moon in Scorpio:

Moon in Scorpio in resonate polarity with Sun in Taurus, the climax of our Moon cycle. Scorpio refining the senses, turning the volume up on all receptors. Pores and hair follicles open. Butterflies and belly bubbles in full affection. You feel that? This full Moon is about feeling it. Feeling is what these beautiful bodies are made for. Sensorial and emotional information brings information for healing, connection, pleasure and fun.


Astrology info to consider:

Mercury behind in the glare of Tuarus Sun heightens or hides our capacity to receive and shine forth cosmic rays of information. Do you feel expanded, more clarity, insights? Or more confused and misinformed? How is information affecting your mental health?

Venus Neptune 90°relationship. Dreaming into new possibilities for abundance in love, sense pleasure, art, money, beauty, nature.

Mercury Pluto lining up in harmonious aspect makes graceful processing of information. Easeful transformation.

Nutrition suggestion:

Scorpio Moon. intense mood. emotional memories of powerful experiences. What house is Moon transiting on your chart? This is the area of life where the content is most Scorpio-like. It’s activated by Moon’s reflective power.

Scorpio foods are seductive, look like genitals, and often classified as aphrodisiacs. One of my favorite Scorpio foods are figs. They are dark (not all of them) and resemble ovaries and testicles. They aren’t in season here in California, but pretty easy to obtain as dry fruit. You can always soak them for an hour or two to rehydrate them. They are good for your regenerative organs, as all good Scorpio things. Give them a try!


Moon still in Scorpio integrating the intense peak of the full moon which was exact early this morning.  Tonight is the second night of our 3 nights of Full Moon ritual. Again, you will need a candle and a small pot of water.

  • Create sacred space for your ritual,  practice outside tonight under Moon light, call in the mysteries of Scorpio and your spirit guides to support you here.  Light your candle, intentionally, as you light your candle let the light symbolizes  the spirit of your ritual, the spark behind your call to be here at all.
  • Sitting or laying on the ground, feel the support of the earth beneath your body. Feel the weight of your body sinking into the soft ground. Feel Moon light beaming down on you from above, pouring over you and washing you in moonbeams.
  • Imagine roots reaching down into the earth from your pelvis gathering up the rich nutrients of the earth. Imagine a flower at the crown of your head blooming open to receive Moon light.
  • Feel your breath, feel yourself drinking in the pleasurable life giving  gift of your inhale.
  • Now notice your exhale with increased attention, an increase of commitment to the breath of releasing, expiring, and letting go.
  • Practice following the breath in this way, receiving the gift of your inhale and surrendering this gift on your exhale.  Notice the emptiness and void at the bottom of your exhale, get to know this void.  Learn to be in this emptiness with no expectations for what will come next. Truly surrender your exhale.
  • Practice this for a while, noticing all that arises. All that arises let it be, as it is; resistance or concern, grief or joy, boredom or story. Notice it, accept it, and then return to your breath.
  • When you feel complete turn to your journal. Last night we focused on what surrender feels like for you.  Tonight let’s go a bit deeper into the topic of surrender.  The biggest surrender we will  experience in life will be the surrender of our life, that will be our death.  Are you comfortable with the fact that you will die? Are you comfortable with the fact that your loved ones will die? Maybe not comfortable but are you in acceptance of this truth? One of my teachers calls death the fear we will never overcome. As animals we will always feel the urge to survive, but we can use over super conscious mind to override fear with acceptance.
  • Now with the awareness of the things that scare you about death, or the things that make you uncomfortable when thinking about your death or the death of the ones you love.  Write these things on little pieces of paper and feed them to the fire of your lit candle (use the pot of water to discard of the paper if you are in a dry area).  With each piece of paper burned, see the smoke rising to the moonlight and trust your intentions are fully supported.
  • Conclude with gratitude.


REM: Rapid eye movement. This phase of sleep happens within the first 90 minutes of sleep and we can have 5 or 6 REM cycles in one night. Each REM cycle can last up to an hour, depending on your sleep patterns. REM is when we dream most intensely. For tonight’s dream practice, I’ll share what has been the most useful technique for me in remembering dreams and being able to become lucid while dreaming. This is called “wake back to bed” one of many techniques created by Stephen LaBerge or possibly Keith Hearne, both pioneers of sleep and dream research. To do:


  • Go to bed at your usual time.
  • Set an alarm clock to wake up 3 hours before usual.
  • Get up for 30-60 min and do a semi-restful activity.
  • Go back to bed for an hour or so, practicing your favorite lucid dream induction technique.
  • Entering REM with more awareness will yield greater success in dream practices.

I almost always have memorable dreams with this practice and find it much easier to get Lucid like this.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s ovulation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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