
Lalita day 12: Sarvamangala: Nitya of Good Fortune

Om Sarvamangalayai Namaha

Sun: 14 Taurus
Moon: 5 Libra, 141 degrees from Sun, Waxing Gibbous Moon
Inner Moon: transition between proliferation and ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The lover in ecstatic union with the beloved and the creator in sync with their audience. This phase relates to Beltane, spring equinox. Heightened senses, pleasure, amusement. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath from soft palette to the throat, represents the first quarter of daylight and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are facing fears, doubts, and uncertainties. We get an opportunity to show what we know through the trails and tests that are occurring now. In the menstrual cycle, waxing gibbous is a transition phase between the building up of the uterine nest and the high of ovulation. Use warm comfort foods and root vegetables.


Moon in libra:

Moon in Libra corresponds with kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, skin.

Moon in Libra near Juno today. Love and partnerships take the spotlight next 2.5 days. In opposition with Chiron, we open vulnerable spaces

Astrology info to consider:

Venus/Neptune 90° angle is challenging the relationship between fantasy and practicality♀️ Somehow, these can coexist when properly integrated. Neptune also relates with immunity, Venus our senses. Challenges lead to greater resilience.

Mercury/Sun conjunction today begins Mercury’s descent into the underworld and transition from morning to evening star. Mercury will be invisible to us til mid-May when reappearing in evening sky. Today is the perfect day for all communication forms that need completion. Call those people, write and answer the emails, finish that lingering conversation that needs to happen.

Pluto retrograde at 24, Jupiter 27. A short break from the intensity. They reunite at 25°on 30Jun (both rx) and agin on Nov 12th at 23°Capricorn.

Nutrition suggestion:

Moon in Libra corresponds with kidneys. Kidney function is a balance of yin and yang. Read here to learn more. Here is a recipe to nourish your kidneys. If you are a kidney patient, ask your doctor before using nettles.


  • 2 TBLS rosehips, simmered until soft.
  • Handful of nettle leaf in a quart size mason jar.
  • Let rosehips cool a little.Combine rosehips simmer water to nettles jar.
  • Let infuse between 1-8 hours.
  • Sweeten with date syrup.


Nourish kidneys with black or dark foods like black sesame seeds, black walnuts and black beans. Also seaweeds.



Moon in Libra building toward the full moon later this week, under this light we take time to feel the beauty of co-creating and co-relating with those around us.  Our Libra Moon rituals revolve around our ideals of relationships.

Libra Moon Ritual:

  • Begin by creating sacred space, call in the harmonizing energy of Libra and calling on your spirit guides to support and co-create sacred space with you
  • Practice your ritual in a comfy and beautiful space tonight, adorn yourself in what makes your feel sensual and beautiful.
  • In your journal reflect on the events of your day, focus on the interactions you had with those in your life that you are in relationship with.
  • Now close your eyes and focus on the feeling of your body body breathing, observe the relationship between your body and your breath.  If you could tell the story of this relationship, between body and breath, what would you say? Write out this story of harmonious relationship.
  • Conclude in gratitude.


Here’s a fun reality check for waking life:

Get a blank card and write, “Is this a dream?” Keep it where you can see it and make it a habit to look at it frequently, maybe every few hours. Every time you look at it, look twice in a row. On the second glance, if the letters are not the same or look different in any way, you are probably dreaming. You can answer by saying, “I am dreaming.” But stay calm so you don’t wake yourself up.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between proliferation and ovulation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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