
Lalita day 9: Nitya: Nitya of Eternal Prescence

Om Nityayai Namaha

Sun:  11 Taurus
Moon: 22 Leo, 101 degrees from Sun, First Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 8-14, follicular/proliferation

Moon Vibes:

The warrior experiencing tension between self and group. Concerned with justice in the organizations and groups. Relates with vernal equinox and Ostara/Easter. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath (prana-vayu) from third-eye to the soft palate, relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, we are taking inspired action, feeling tension and resistance in group efforts, wanting to differentiate. Feeling strong and empowered to cross initiation threshold. Blazing new trails which could become new systems for society. First quarter Moon relates with follicular and proliferation hormones, building up of estrogen, uterine walls thickening, eggs maturing. This phase of lunar cycle can be powerful and exciting. Use it for courtship, dates night, seduction, and rituals that focus on building and growing. Use foods that nurture and support. Warm and comforting foods like root vegetables and curry spices.


Moon in Leo:

Heart, aorta, blood pressure, blood circulation.

Moon in Leo all day, changing to Virgo right around midnight. Standing out, showing up big, proud of yourself and owning the center stage of your life. In opposition with Mars in Aquarius, our will and assertive nature using technology and innovation (Aquarius) is asking for integration into our Moony nature. What is your sword and how do you carry it? Can you do that with respect to your body’s emotion, dream, inner reality?

Astrology info to consider:

Androgynous Mercury just passing Uranus moving towards Sun bringing clarity to the bodymind in Taurus language of abundance, sense pleasure, beauty at a slowed-down pace.

Venus and Neptune squaring up. All that you feel/know is possible for your life, utopia to dystopia and everything in between squaring up with your values, longing, your body’s pull for sensual pleasure. How will you respond? Working with dreams helps. #Neptune #Venus

Nutrition suggestion:

Blood cleansing pesto:

  1. Organic basil, 2 handfuls
  2. Organic garlic 2-3 cloves
  3. 3 small brocolli crowns (handful)
  4. 1 avocado
  5. Half lime juice
  6. Pinch of Celtic sea salt

Blend in a blender and add lime and salt to taste. This pesto is a delicious way to purify the blood on the last day of Leo Moon for this cycle. Can use as a dip, to top rice and beans (my favorite) or anything you can think of. It’s actually really hard not to to eat it on it’s own. Enjoy!


Under the light of the Leo Moon tonight our ritual is inspired by childlike wonder and freely expressing our dreams.  Remember that assignment in elementary school where you got write about all the dreams you had for your life when you would be “grown up”?  What were some of the dreams you had then? Did any of these dreams come true? Do you still hold any of the same dreams?

Leo Moon Ritual:

  • Create sacred space, call in the bright and free expression of Leo, call on your spirit guides and your inner child to be present and support you in this ritual.
  • Begin in your journal reflecting on the events of your day.  Tonight the Moon is in it’s first quarter phase, half Moon shining more illumination on the seeds we planted last week under the dark Moon.  Reflect on the intentions you set under the new Moon and feel into the evolution and growth you’ve experienced with these intentions so far this cycle.
  • Now feel the presence of your inner child, what was your favorite color as a child? Write with a crayon or pencil of that color.  What was your favorite thing to wear as a child? Imagine yourself as a child sitting in your lap, wearing their favorite outfit and guiding your hand as you write.
  • Prompt: What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Yes, you may think of yourself as grown up already but there is always so much more growing to do.  Looking forward to your future allow your imagination to guide you, no dream is too big or too bright for you.
  • You are never too old to try something new or to act like a carefree child. Maybe as a child you did not always have the safe space to express yourself freely, you have that space now! Let your inner wildest dreams shine!

Conclude in gratitude.


Everyone dreams.  You can remember your dreams by deciding tonight that you want to. Once you get better at remembering your dreams, you can start waking up in your dreams and practice lucid dreaming. Becoming aware of the content of your consciousness improves your sense of purpose, courage, and authenticity in being who you are. If you haven’t been practicing these dream tips, this is your invitation.

  • Get a journal, title it “Dream Journal.”
  • Place it within arm reach of your bed.
  • Place a light source and pencil near the journal.
  • Write tonight’s date and a topic you’d like to explore in dreams. Leave the journal open to this page and intend or command to remember the dreams.

Tomorrow, I’ll cover some more ways the ancients used lucid dreaming for spiritual self-mastery and to move through life and death with awareness.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s follicular/proliferation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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