
Lalita day 14: Chitra: Nitya of Iridescence

Om Chitrayai Namaha

Sun:  18 Aries
Moon: 12 Libra, 174 degrees from Sun
Inner Moon: transition between proliferation and ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The lover in ecstatic union with the beloved and the creator in sync with their audience. This phase relates to Beltane, spring equinox. Heightened senses, pleasure, amusement. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath from soft palette to the throat, represents the first quarter of daylight and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are facing fears, doubts, and uncertainties. We get an opportunity to show what we know through the trails and tests that are occurring now. In the menstrual cycle, waxing gibbous is a transition phase between the building up of the uterine nest and the high of ovulation. Use warm comfort foods and root vegetables.


Moon in Libra:

Sun 18°Aries, Moon 18°Libra at 7:35pm. This polarity between “♈independent me” and “♎co-creative we” brings full awareness to partnerships. Who are you in partnership? What are your roles and feelings like when alone vs in relation with a partner? Do you feel able to identify as an individual within the partnership? Or lost yourself to become a couple or part of a group?

Nutrition suggestion:


Tonight’s full moon illuminates our interconnectedness and calls us to weigh out our personal values and relationship values.  Seeking harmony in all aspects of being.  Libra makes me think of the divine gift that it is to relate with others and the natural world around us, to relate and sit face to face with divine creation.  When we hold space for loving those we share space with, we learn to love ourselves as well.

Libra Full Moon Ritual

Tonight I recommend practicing outside under the moonlight, I will be asking you to burn pieces of paper(either torn out of your journal or some scrap paper), so being outside may be ideal for this practice. Carry your altar space outside by bringing a special cloth to lay on the ground. Gather the items you need: a candle, lighter/matches, your journal, a writing utensil, a small pot of water and your crystals or other sacred objects you want to charge under the moon light.

  • Call in sacred space, breathing into your body, feeling support from Mama Earth, call in the harmonious balance of Libra and ask your spirit guides to co-create this ritual with you.
  • Light your candle and acknowledge this flame as a representation of  the warmth and love that surrounds your loved ones and you.
  • I invite you to revisit last night’s ritual meditation to begin your practice.
  • Take time to reflect in your journal and answer these question: What do I value most? How do I want to emerge into my daily life? How do I want to approach my life? What kind of relationships do I want to be in? What kind of community do I want to be in? What kind of world do I want to be in?   Allow yourself to idealistic here. No wish is too beautiful.
  • Now that you have taken time to reflect on the questions above, become clear about what is not in resonance with your current values and wishes for your life, relationships, and our collective future. What is no longer in alignment with your values and wishes?
  • Now take the paper that you are going to burn and write on this paper “I surrender any and all energies that are no longer in alignment with my values.” Trust that your guides will know exactly what to do with this.
  • Tear this paper into pieces and burn it one piece at a time. (The pot of water you brought to your altar space is for safety measures here, if you feel you need to, you can throw burning paper into the water to extinguish it safely).
  • This is a process of alchemy, the energy you wish to “release” will not disappear but rather it will be alchemized and transformed into what you do need.  Trust this process will be supported and guided by Spirit.

When you are finished burning, choose a crystal or sacred item(or a few) to leave out under the full moon tonight to charge.  Speak to these sacred items of your values, wishes and intentions.  Your sacred items will charge up with the energy of the full moon’s light and tomorrow you can bring them in and place them on your dream altar to continue to work with the magic you set in motion here tonight.

As always, Conclude in Gratitude

Astrology info to consider:

Mercury at 60° angle with Pluto/Jupiter emphasis on transformation, small and hidden things get huge in our awareness while things we used to pay attention to get small.

Venus and Mars at 120°harmonious angle allowing in and out to flow easily. ♀️in fun, flirty, creative♊ and ♂️in tech-minded, innovative♒.

Mars/Uranus 90°exact feeling warrioresque (in various ways) and taking the changes as they come.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s new phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


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