Kali day 14: Mudra: Nitya of Expression
Om Mudrayai Namaha
Sun: 1 Aries
Moon: 4 Aries, 327 degrees from Sun,
Inner Moon: transition between luteal and menstruation
Moon Vibes:
The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, energetic information, connection with disembodied energy like spirits. Ultra-creative, dream-like visionary with sharp mental acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering the gifts and lessons learned. Preparation phase for the next call to adventure at new Moon.
Moon in Aries:
Moon with Chiron today, lose 90°with nodal axis. North end being the future, where we’re headed and South end being past, were we’ve been. 90° angles bring friction that requires attention and integration. Moon in Aries feels hot, core-level committed to a cause. When we don’t have a cause, Aries Moon energy feels anxious and burning. Chiron is the Alchemist, mix-master, the way we pull all parts of the whole together. No thing left behind. The things we want to leave behind “let it go” show up extra when Moon with Chiron. Just for today, invite it in closer.
Astrology info to consider:
Sun fast approaching Uranus and the disruption to the regularly scheduled programming around the topic of your-body-the-earth. Taurus. How we take care of earth-body, what feels pleasurable and right, how we recieve abundance, our stability and sturdiness.
Venus pull and Mars push are flowing in harmony. Gemini and Aquarius are air signs co responding with technology, communication, fun creativity, and higher intelligence. The marriage between Sprint and T-mobile on 5g network (🙄) and the marriage of your inner feminine and masculine.
Nutrition suggestion:
The Last two night of this moon cycle, the moon is in Aries were it was when we started this cyclical journey last month on the the new moon, look back at the writing you did around March 24th, what seeds of thought were you planting? What stage are they in now? Tonight practice a fire gazing ritual to purify and relax your mind before bed.
- Create sacred space at your altar, breathing your awareness into your body and calling in your spirit guides to support you.
- Light a candle on your altar, giving gratitude to the fire, the warmth and the light.
- Relax your eyes and eyelids and fix your gaze on the flame of your candle and rest your awareness here, allow the energy of fire to burn away impurities that cloud the mind and feel yourself focused and relaxed. Practice for 5-10 minutes, you might set a timer of you want.
- When you are finish, rub your palms together and then cup your hands over your eyes. Feel the warm from your hands relaxing your physical eye.
- Stay with your eyes closed for a few minutes focusing on the light within your inner space.
Take time to reflect in your journal, we are closing out this moon cycle over the next two days and more intentions will be set into motion with the new moon on Wednesday. Tonight reflect on this past month and what you have learned? Acknowledge what has changed or been released. Notice what you have gained and what you are grateful for.
Conclude in gratitude.
To get lucid in dreams, completely relax your body while keeping your mind awake. As you begin to engage with hypnagogia, remind yourself, “I am awake in this dream.” Just like waking life, there is a whole spectrum of lucidity. Some things to notice tonight in your dreamscape:
- Where am I and how did I get here?
- Who is here with me?
- How vivid is this dream on a scale of 1-10?
- Am I making things happen or are things happening to me?
Remember to keep your dream journal close by and record any dream fragments, feelings or thoughts. If nothing else, commit to 5 minutes of free-form creative writing upon waking.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s climax, peak fertility, ovulation point? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.