Lalita day 3: Bherunda: Nitya of Ferocity
Om Bherundayai Namaha
Sun: 5 Gemini
Moon: 10 Cancer, 35 degrees from Sun, New Moon
Inner Moon: transition between bleeding and follicular/proliferation
Moon Vibes:
Individuality. Going extreme, leaping out, feeling a strong desire for manifesting those new Moon intentions. Feeling an extreme sense of hunger for our mission and divine guidance. Developing awareness of spiritual and sexual identity. This phase relates with Imbolc/Candlemas. In tantra yoga, this is somachara, descending course of Moon, in-breath (prana-vayu) from crown to the third-eye, relates with last quarter of daylight and the element is air. In the hero’s journey this phase is where we are feeling our desires, sensing into the intentions and meet a mentor in human, plant, animal or other than human form. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is transitional including bleeding and the building up of the uterine nest in the follicular/proliferation phase. Use clean, easy to digest food.
Moon in Cancer:
Moon in Cancer in harmonious alignment with Mars/Ceres. Protective, healing, nurturing energy today and tomorrow. Mars in Pisces is willfully standing up for the underdogs. Bites off and chews up undertones of dis empowerment and psychic power struggle.
Astrology info to consider:
Sun and Mars squaring up brings big Ego energy. Ego being the divine gift of self-identification and motivation to act. Knowing that your actions are important and affect the whole, how you use this gift of “self?” Sun in Gemini wants to disturb all stagnation by being FREE and independent. Mars in Pisces wants ethical, ecstatic unification of self with whole. 90° angles work through struggle and friction to irritate us until we make a change, or changes are made for us.
Pluto and Jupiter retrograding as the world is unpeeling layers of old Capricorn father based, hidden, unspoken, unfair, unrighteous walls of injustice. These used to make sense for the mind of the times but now need to be digested back into the loving void.
Uranus sextile Mars/Ceres, mini burst of energy towards healing, helping (♓) sharing food, grains, seeds (Ceres.)
Nutrition suggestion:
Cancer Moon relates with womb, breasts, and watery lining. For tonight’s nutrition suggestion, practice breast massage. This is an overlooked piece in breast health and over all health, especially for women. Using any oil, cover your hand and forearms. Making crisscross and hugging motions over your chest using as much of your arms as possible. make sure to give some attention to underarms, gently kneading and making circular motions in all directions.
Tonight with the waxing Moon in Cancer we are nurturing our growing intentions of this Lunar cycle. During this phase of the week we begin to emerge from the deep, dark transformation of the New Moon. Let’s connect with the tending nature of Cancer tonight and tend to the sprouting seeds of our New Moon insights/
- Create sacred space by calling in the nurturing love of Cancer, call in your spirit guides and ancestors to support you.
- Make yourself a cup of tea, take your time infusing love in every step of the process. Sending love and gratitude to the water, herbs, and honey.
- Before you drink your tea, hold your mug to your chest and feel your tea warming your heart space. Think of the intentions you wrote about in your letter to Moon last night, did you come up with an affirmation for this lunar cycle yet? If not, formulate that positive present tense statement now.
- Speak your affirmation to your tea before you take your first sip, the vibration of your words will be carried in the tea that nourishes you.
- In your journal, reflect on the events of your day and the feelings that have been up for you today. Make a list of everything you are grateful for today, feel gratitude fill your heart. Make a list of what is nurturing to you, anything that comes to mind.
- Continue with a nurturing activity, whatever you feel called to do tonight that supports your self care and self nurturing. I’m going to suggest taking a bath and then massaging your whole body with warm oil. *Tip for warming body oil…. place your favorite body oil(in it’s bottle) in a cup of hot water, let sit for a few minutes and your oil will be warm!
- Conclude in gratitude.
Watery Cancer Moon is a great time to consciously work with psyche (soul) through dreamwork. Repressed, pushed away, emotions and memories are a huge source of power and we all have them. Do you want to access this part of yourself? This is deep work and will make changes to your perception of self and the world. If you are sure you want this, here are some steps:
- Write out a dream plan to meet your shadow self. This plan can include the reason for this meeting, what you want to ask, tell or change about your relationship with your shadow self. Write details about things going on in your life that you think your shadow self is blocking, shading, or fuxking up somehow. Write in detail some ideas of how you’ll address this with your shadow self.
- Make a power statement that sums up the dream plan. “I’m meeting my shadow for healing.”
- Do your nightly routine for sleep and make sure your dream journal is set up and ready to receive a dream.
- Practice your favorite lucid dream induction technique. You don’t have to get lucid for this plan to work, but it certainly helps.
In the morning, write any fragments of dream images, symbols, thoughts, or insights. Give thanks.
Watch this video about dreaming.
Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between bleeding and follicular phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.