
Kali day 8: Ugraprabha: Nitya of Introspection

Om Ugraprabhayai Namaha

Sun:  25 Aries
Moon: 22 Capricorn, 279 degrees from Sun, Last Quarter Moon
Inner Moon: days 22-28, Luteal

Moon Vibes:

The wise elder sensing the smell of ending and learning to gracefully let go and go home. Sense of longing. The bitter sweetness of knowing the necessity of ending and becoming acutely aware of death that permeates all of life. This phase relates with the autumnal equinox and Mabon. In tantra yoga, this is suryachara, ascending course of Sun with the out-breath moving upward from throat to soft palette. Relates with midday and the element is fire. In the hero’s journey, this is the phase is where we cross the return threshold. We feel freedom and courage to explore more of our humanity. In the menstrual cycle, this is luteal phase. Like the Luteal phase in inner Moon cycle, Balsamic Moon vibe is fierce, direct, got no time for BS. Get to the point. Be real. Show yourself. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious and we have the energy to make necessary changes. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. If pregnancy occurred, progesterone will remain high and increasing. If no pregnancy, it drops. We feel inflamed, irritated and things that need to change are made more than obvious. Good time for moving or other big changes that require strength. Use foods that Use foods that are light, cooling, and inflammation reducing.

Moon in Capricorn:

  • Moon in Capricorn where we feel our responsibility and ability to respond.
  • The old Capricorn way was hardened to feelings, focused on building structure and working with little to no empathy for self or other.
  • What version of Capricorn is being cooked up with all planets direct and Pluto, Jupiter and S.Node all there?
  • Moon in Capricorn relates with backbone, joints, hair.
  • Capricorn is the boss, tribal elder who wants us to be and do right.

Moon all up in the Pluto/Jupiter story, started feeling it yesterday, got sleepy. It’s emotionally taxing. If you have Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or your rising sign at the late degrees of Cancer/Capricorn axis, this time is a personal initiation for you. Do you know how to Pluto? Jupiter is easy; get money, be blessed with insight and attractive things. Pluto is complicated because it requires you to hold space for death (of your ego identity) and do the work of owning your true power, which includes things you fear and hate about yourself. Put Pluto/Jupiter together and everything gets bigger, still dealing with money and beautiful opportunities of Jupiter with the crippling sensation of fear of ______ whatever your thing is. Looking at Pluto on your chart helps to clarify this.

Astrology info to consider:

Sun in 90° challenging aspect with Moon today. Sun also shinging a growth inducing light on Pluto/Jupiter. Brings some heat and clarity to things we’ve been confused about.

Mercury/Chiron conjunction, communication, perception of and around your sacred wounds and Chirotic ecstatic/traumatic experiences.

Venus/Vesta and Mars are besties right now. Easy flow between sexual polarity, ins and outs of our sacred work in the temple flowing easy.

Nutrition suggestion:

Horsetail is my favorite Capricorn and Saturn plant. It can be used in so many ways. Dried horsetail can be ground up and capsuled or add water for a hair and skin tonic. The dried herbs can be used as an herbal infusion or tea. You can even carry the dried plant matter in a medicine bag for continuous assistance from this Capricorn plant.


When the moon is in capricorn we might feel like we are worked to the bone. Did you honor the rest ritual that you scheduled for today? Tonight the moon is with Pluto and Jupiter bringing to the surface our deepest material, the moon brings a healing salve to help us process and integrate the deep wisdom of our inner underworld. We are going to continue on this theme of dedicating time to rest, but first work with theseMoon/Pluto Conjunction journal prompts:

  • Where and or how have you felt powerless? // What makes you feel empowered?
  • What situations make you feel victimized? // What situations make you feel victorious?
  • What are you afraid of? // What makes you feel fearless?
  • Where in life do you feel discouraged? // How to you tap into encouragement?

Follow these journal prompts with intentional and rest, look back at last nights Capricorn Moon Rest Ritual to support you if needed.

Conclude your practice with gratitude.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between luteal/last quarter and menstruation/new Moon? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


What if “evil” was just vitality that has been rejected, locked away, or let go of. In dreams, this vitality may show up as a villain or an evil character. In order to reintroduce this vitality into your life, take every opportunity to become curious about things you’ve labelled as evil. Tonight in your dream temple, expect to engage with a dark character with this attitude of curiosity and desire for integration.

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