
Lalita day 13: Jvamalini: Nitya of Flames

Om Jvamaliniyai Namaha

Sun:  17 Aries
Moon: 27 Virgo, 160 degrees from Sun, Waxing Gibbous Moon
Inner Moon: transition between proliferation and ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The lover in ecstatic union with the beloved and the creator in sync with their audience. This phase relates to Beltane, spring equinox. Heightened senses, pleasure, amusement. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath from soft palette to the throat, represents the first quarter of daylight and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are facing fears, doubts, and uncertainties. We get an opportunity to show what we know through the trails and tests that are occurring now. In the menstrual cycle, waxing gibbous is a transition phase between the building up of the uterine nest and the high of ovulation. Use warm comfort foods and root vegetables.


Moon in Libra;

Moon in Libra corresponds with kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, skin.

Moon moves to Libra by 330 today, in a transition from Virgo to Libra. Transition from details of our wellbeing into details of the wellbeing of our relationships, a Libra concern. This is a major theme for the full Moon, which we are now in. Aries Sun being the independent “I” and Libra being co creative “we.” A gift of this full Moon is revealing and who and what we are in relation to the significant people in our lives.

Nutrition suggestion:

Moon in Libra corresponds with kidneys. Kidney function is a balance of yin and yang. Read here to learn more. Here is a recipe to nourish your kidneys. If you are a kidney patient, ask your doctor before using nettles.


  • 2 TBLS rosehips, simmered until soft.
  • Handful of nettle leaf in a quart size mason jar.
  • Let rosehips cool.
  • Combine rosehips simmer water to nettles jar.
  • Let infuse between 1-8 hours.
  • Strain plant material out.
  • Sweeten tea with date syrup and serve cool or warmed up.


Libra turns I into We every time.  Libra understands the wisdom of our interconnectedness.  Tonight dedicate you ritual to another person or a group of people.  Let your intention be for them to experience harmony and beauty in their daily life.

Libra Moon Ritual

Create sacred space at your altar, breathing into your body, call in the harmonious and co-creative energy of Libra, ask your spirit guides to support you in your practice.

  • Breath into your current space and time, notice how you are feeling and welcome this feeling as your own, as you would welcome a dear friend with acceptance and respect. Take time to tend to your current state by journaling, or perhaps stretching, or you may feel called to just be still. Recognize that beauty that it is to feel anything at all, realize that honoring your feeling creates a condition of harmony within.
  • Now that you have given time for yourself to feel harmony and beauty in this moment you will shift you attention to someone or a group of people you are in relationship with. This may be your partner, family members, neighbor or community members.
  • Center your awareness in your heart space and begin to expand your intentions from here.  Send well wishes. Say silently or out loud… “May you experience harmony and beauty.”  If you are a visual person you can imagine these wishes traveling in the form of light to the person(s) you intend to receive them. Continue sending this note of healing intention outwards until you feel complete.
  • Notice your expanded field of harmony and beauty, acknowledge that the state of your being effects those around you as the state of those around you effects you.  When we all show up for one another, we all benefit beautifully.
  • Take time to reflect in your journal.
  • Also see this Loving-Kindness Meditation which is one of my favorites if you would enjoy a guided meditation tonight.

Conclude in Gratitude.

Astrology info to consider:

Venus at 120° with Saturn, softening, relaxing, taking the rigidity off the “fathers,” government, rule makers, and bringing sensuality to how we build and author our lives.

Mars and Uranus will be at 90° by full Moon, fully triggering our Martian nature and Uranus causing disruption, earthquakes and shifting around Taurus related topics such as earth stability, money, security, and body sovereignty.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s new phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


In dreams and waking life, 1 thing leads into the next. It is your responsibility to pay attention to how you follow, flow, and/or lead along the paths layed out before you.


  • Look around. Where are you?
  • Pay attention. How did you get here?
  • Retrace your steps. What led you here?
  • Practice retracing in conversation. What brought us to this topic?


Each situation or line of conversation leads into the next. Think of this next time you are moving through a dream or waking scenario. It will improve your memory and help your dream recall. Nothing happens coincidentally or outside of your ability to respond.



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