
1st Lunar Nitya: Kameshvari

Om Kameshvaryai Namaha

Sun:  3 Taurus
Moon: 3 Taurus, New Moon exact at 7:25 pm, new Moon
Inner Moon: days 1-7, low progesterone, low estrogen, bleeding

Moon Vibes:

The ambiguous presence that brings gifts of creative potential. Now that we are in the darkest phase of the Moon cycle, the obscure vision makes for reimagining new possibilities. This phase is where we plant new seeds of intention. New Moon relates to Winter Solstice and Yule. In tantra yoga, this is the merging of Moon and Sun from third-eye to crown of the head. In and out breath unite at the crown of the head in breath pause (kumbhaka) where the magic of integration of opposites happens. In the hero’s journey, this is the call to adventure. The phase of the inner Moon cycle related with new Moon is menstruation. Low progesterone, low estrogen and bleeding is present. Take time to rest and reflect. Great phase for receiving dreams and insight. Use foods with higher protein, nurturing, and easy to digest.

Moon in :

Moon Sun at 3° Taurus at 7:25 pm tonight with Uranus at 6° feels like electricity either shocking or energizing our body the earth, lighting up awareness. How are you feeding and caring for your electric system? Are you harnessing your free energy? Or allowing others to take it by luring your attention? Just for today, inhale all your energy/awareness in towards your spine. Notice how your energy shifts. What your eat, drink, pay attention to with your eyes, ears, skin… do you want to give your attention to that thing?

Where do u feel most alive?

Doing what?

Astrology info to consider:

♊Venus ♒Mars moving in harmony around 120°angle together. Easing tension between values/attraction and action/desire.

At new Moon, Scorpio on the horizon. Scorpio is the polarity we are working with during this Sun season and Moon cycle.

Nutrition suggestion:

Have you ever made homemade yogurt? It is fairly simple with few steps. If you feel like making it, here’s a recipe. If you don’t feel like it, today’s nutrition suggestion is have something fermented like kimchee or a good yogurt. Homemade is best because the live bacteria peak in about 8 hours and begin to rapidly die off soon after.


New Moon in Taurus Ritual

Set up your altar for the Taurus lunar cycle, bring the element of earth to your altar; this may be in the form of a plant, a crystal, or some seeds. 

Create sacred space here, call in the grounded joy of Taurus and call on your spirit guides to uplift and support you here and now.

Sit in front of your altar, close your eyes and imagine yourself in your favorite place in nature, see yourself there, hear the sounds of this place, smell and taste the air. Drop into the ever present now, feel yourself become in resonance with this place on Earth that you love.

Turn to your journal and begin by writing a gratitude list, just take 60 seconds to write out everything you are grateful for tonight.  Take another 60 seconds to write out everything that you find valuable, what is of the most value to you now? Notice what is on both list.

  • Pose the question for yourself in your journal… “What do I desire to create and cultivate this cycle?” Do not answer yet, set journal aside.
  • Return to seated stillness, to your favorite place in nature. Feel your heart space, maybe placing one or both palms over your heart to anchor your awareness here. Imagine your breath moving in and out of your heart as you feel the love and gratitude you have for this beautiful place in nature. Stay here for a few minutes, feel your body relaxing with every exhale and your heart expanding with every inhale.
  • Now return to your journal and read the question aloud. Pause after you speak the words of this question aloud and notice what arises from the space of your heart, be open to whatever comes.  Repeat the process until you feel you’ve accessed a clear answer from your heart.  You’ll know you are listening to your heart when the message arises as an embodied feeling of desire igniting warmth in the space of your heart. Write it down. Whatever your heart desires at this time, create an “I am…” statement out of it.  Use positive, present tense.  This is a seed of thought.
  • Plant your seed of thought within the fertile soil of your embodied gratitude.  Take a moment to recall the feeling of gratitude in your body, remind yourself of all that you have to be grateful for in this moment.  Remember gratitude in this moment as a feeling, not just an idea.  Once to have remembered gratitude within, bring your seed of thought back to the center of your awareness.  Breathing full deep breath, feeling inhales pour in from your crown, through your heart, and into your pelvic bowl.  Imagine bringing this seed into your body on the inhale and as you exhale trust your body to bring nutrients to this planted seed. Just as you would release a seed into the darkness of soil in your garden, release your seed of thought into the dark space within your body, letting go and trusting in the wisdom of the growth process.

Conclude in gratitude.


In Tibetan dream yoga, the point of practice is to become aware of the dreaming consciousness so that you can dissolve it and become pure awareness. At the time of death, the dreamer has experience of sleep consciousness which is believed to be very similar to death. These practices familiarize you with transitions between wake and sleep and what you awaken from and awaken into.

Becoming lucid allows you to see that you are the characters, writer, and director of your dream. So we continue to practice. Here’s a guided meditation to relax the body while holding a thread of mental awareness: 

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s menstruation point? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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