
Lalita day 11: Vijaya: Nitya of Victory

Om Vijayayai Namaha

Sun: 15 Aries
Moon: 27 Leo, 132 degrees from Sun, Waxing Gibbous Moon
Inner Moon: transition between proliferation and ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The lover in ecstatic union with the beloved and the creator in sync with their audience. This phase relates to Beltane, spring equinox. Heightened senses, pleasure, amusement. In tantra yoga, this is the descending in-breath from soft palette to the throat, represents the first quarter of daylight and the element is water. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are facing fears, doubts, and uncertainties. We get an opportunity to show what we know through the trails and tests that are occurring now. In the menstrual cycle, waxing gibbous is a transition phase between the building up of the uterine nest and the high of ovulation. Use warm comfort foods and root vegetables.


Moon in Virgo:

Moon in Virgo needs the pattern to match their feeling. Virgo corresponds with intestines, digestive tract, and pancreas.

Moon in Virgo makes decisions about wellbeing, health and the logistics for best ways to digest life. In aspect with Uranus today where destabilization of the best laid plans are likely. This destabilization shakes us up so that we can experience higher perspectives, freedom from what we have held on to and believed for too long.

Moon in Virgo by evening touching in with our inner sense of health, hygiene and the sacredness of getting to care for our body the earth. Hygeia, daughter to master healer Asclepius, comes to mind. In 120°angle with Uranus, unpredictable changes occur around desire to help and heal self and others.

Nutrition suggestion:

Virgo likes to sort and organize, making sure all the organs are completely nourished. Have you tried Arame? It’s a kelp that can be added to semi-complex 1 pot meals like stew or soup. I add arame to beans in my slow cooker. If you don’t have access to arame, use any well sourced, non-GMO seaweed.


Virgo the adaptable earth sign is an artist of mundane life and knows how to treat every act as a ritual.  Tonight we will focus on grounding, organizing and ritualizing what is already an essential part of your every night.  Think about the acts you consider as non-disposable to your health and start with these, think about other health and detox rituals you could add to your routine tonight i.e. treating your self to a face mask or facial steam.

Moon in Virgo Sacred Mundane Ritual

Create sacred space at your altar, slow and deepen your breath as you call in the organized clarity of Virgo and ask for help from your spirit guides.

Begin your ritual by writing in your journal.  Take time to make list, Virgo loves list.  List things you got done today, things you want to get done soon, thing that have been on your mind, and all the things you are grateful for in this moment.

Now make a list of all the acts of health and healing that you will practice as your Virgo Moon Ritual tonight, remember to add the basics like washing your hands and brushing your teeth, these acts are the sacred mundane.  Add to your plan what feels good to you tonight.  Getting organized and setting a plan before diving into practice honors the practicality of Virgo. Once complete, set your plan aside and drop awareness from the thinking mind into the heart space, remind yourself that it is a sacred gift to tend to the health of this body and practice your ritual in peace and presence.

Conclude in Gratitude.

Astrology info to consider:

Jupiter transits traditionally bring fortunate, expansive, fit for royalty experiences. Pluto transits bring opportunities for true self empowerment through feeling human emotions like fear and loss of power. Jupiter and Pluto have been getting closer but are exact around 7:43pm at 24°53 in Capricorn. Light, jovial, expansive, abundance of Jupiter with underground, deeply rooted Pluto. The feelings of everything we’ve numbed out, hid away and pushed down get full illumination now. How you work with your inner “demons” dragons, snakes, darkness (or however you relates with your undesirables) is important.

Over the next 10 days, Sun forms a 90°angle with the Pluto/Jupiter story. Let’s see how this unfolds.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s waxing gibbous phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


Practice reality check multiple times today. Set an alarm clock on your mobile device for every 2 hours or so as a reality check reminder. This will greatly improve your awareness and make life so much more interesting.

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