
Kali day 13: Matra: Nitya of Self-Knowledge
Om Matrayai Namaha
Sun: 15 Gemini
Moon: 29 Scorpio, 165 degrees from Sun, full Moon
Inner Moon: ovulation

Moon Vibes:
The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, energetic information, connection with
disembodied energy like spirits. Ultra-creative, dream-like visionary with sharp mental acuity.
Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering the gifts and lessons learned. Preparation phase for the next call to adventure at new Moon.


Sagittarius relates with liver, hips, thighs, sacrum. At full Moon phase and eclipse season, today’s recommendation is grits, aka polenta. We need the grounding energy of organic corn and a dish that has a long history of sustaining resilience and strength. Make sure it’s organic non gmo and you don’t have corn allergies.

  • 1 cup or grits
  • 2 cups of pure water
  • Boil, stir, lower heat and put lid on pot.
  • Cooks similar to rice.
  • Top with avocado.

Serve with beans or another protein source.

Moon in Sagittarius:

Moon now in Sagittarius, flirty 60°aspect with Saturn and Pallas Athena, female warrior. woke up thinking about organization of evolutionary structures. Sag Moon wants to evolve and expand consciousness. Saturn in Aquarius wants boundaries, structure and well laid plans. Moon making 120°harmonious aspect with Chiron, the alchemist, teacher of the arts of war and healing. Today we heal, make medicine, and evolve. What house is Sagittarius/Gemini axis in for you? This is the area of life you make a whole years worth of growth in 4 hours during eclipse.

Moon now in Sagittarius, flirty 60°aspect with Saturn and Pallas Athena, female warrior. woke up thinking about organization of evolutionary structures. Sag Moon wants to evolve and expand consciousness. Saturn in Aquarius wants boundaries, structure and well laid plans. Moon making 120°harmonious aspect with Chiron, the alchemist, teacher of the arts of war and healing. Today we heal, make medicine, and evolve.


Astrology info to consider:

Venus on day 2 of 584 day cycle in Gemini where we value our freedom of thought, speech, and connect sensually with organs of perception, mostly through communication.

Sun with new born Venus investigating the Gemini mysteries of radical freedom, fun, creativity. Venus values and connection through technology and communication theme this cycle. In a 90° challenging aspect with Mars, What is your message? Are you educated on this topic? Have you been listening? ARE YOU EVEN BEING HEARD? What are you fighting for and what is your weapon? Mars needs a cause of self destructs. Mars in Pisces weapons are usually of the heart. Poetic expressions of universal love through poetry, songs and humanitarian actions.

Mercury and Uranus in 60° easy aspect today, information received and given can change your whole life by shifting your assemblage point.


Under this Sagittarius Full moon we have the opportunity to expand our consciousness and get fired up about the change we believe will make the world a better place for all to be wild and free in!

This meditation ritual is inspired by expanding awareness and connecting with wisdom and purpose.  Create sacred space and call in the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius and your spirit guides to support you.

  • Sit down and feel the ground beneath you, close your eyes and feel the spacious sky above you, breath awareness into your body.  We will practice expanding our awareness from body center to the cosmic whole.
  • Begin feeling your body outline allowing all awareness to arrive within
  • Perceive the room your are in, embracing the elements of this room with your awareness,
  • Expand your awareness to perceive the whole building including anyone else who is present in this building with you
  • Expand your awareness to perceive your entire community, take time here to be present with the collective feeling of your community
  • Expand your awareness again this time to perceive the whole planet and all beings and elements here, feeling yourself firmly seated and grounded on this planet, connect with your heart center and seek to connect with a message of purpose, even asking to the earth from your heart “how can I help?”  opening to receiving guidance
  • Expand your awareness to perceive the whole universe, now seeing earth as a blue dot and a part of the whole swirling cosmos, in this vast expansive awareness open to receiving wisdom. 
  • Reflect in your journal. What do you BELIEVE is the most import action you can take in your life?  How is your personal philosophy expanding at this time?  What are you feeling called to learn more about at this time?  Imagine you are revolutionizing your life today… where do you start? What is your long term vision for this revolution?
  • Conclude in gratitude


In preparation for the full Moon tomorrow and eclipse season, ask for energy transfer in your dreams tonight. This can be as simple as writing in your dream journal a petition to receive healing energy. When writing this petition, include an offering to spirit. You can give an offering through giving something (useful) away, leaving some of your hair or body fluids in soil around plants, or pouring water into the earth as an offering. Once you’ve made your petition and offering, trust that you’ve been seen and heard. Sleep easy and open to receive.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s ovulation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


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