
Kali day 3: Kulla: Nitya of Self-Reflection

Om Kullayai Namaha

Sun:  19 Taurus
Moon: 20 Sagittarius, 209 degrees from Sun, Full Moon
Inner Moon: days 15-21, ovulation

Moon Vibes:

The healer, artist. Our humanity shines bright and the desire to connect with the resonate polarity is strong. Artistic and creative expressions are made manifest during full Moon phase. This is the polarity of our solar and lunar nature in orgasmic celebration and peak fertility during full Moon phase. In tantra yoga, this is the union of Moon and Sun, in and out-breath at the heart, breath pause kumbhaka. Relates with dawn and the element is earth. In the hero’s journey, this is the sacred Marriage of resonate polarities, between the archetypes of Sun/Moon. In the menstrual cycle, this phase is ovulation. The egg is released from ovary into fallopian tubes and the possibility of fertilization is greatest. Metaphysically, this is when we fertilize our creations with thought seeds and manifestation rituals have the greatest potential. The prime hormone for this phase is estrogen which stimulates luteinizing hormone which stimulates the release of the egg. This is also the peak of testosterone in the cycle so we see a lot of hormonal stimulation at full Moon phase.  The full Moon phase is about 72 hours, which also coincides closely to the time from onset of ovulation where fertilization is possible. Orgasm, ovulation, the moment of truth, polarity connection, endorphin high. Use foods that are packed with flavor, colorful, juicy and nutrient dense.


Moon in Sagittarius:

Sagitarius relates with liver, hips, thighs, sacrum.

Moon in Sagittarius, we travel, test our life philosophy and explore new ones. Approaching south node, we dip into PAST patterns and philosophies around uncharted frontiers. Exploring them again with new knowledge. (sagittarius) Moon in resonate polarity with Venus today. Face off between ancient wisdom of our DNA and wisdom of the senses. Oppositions give rise to bridges being built or burned.


Astrology info to consider:

Neptune in 90° angles with both Moon and Venus. Visionary, illusionary, confusionary and all the magic between breaths.

Pluto and Mercury in harmonious relationship. Cognition and perception of shadow material is comprehensible and easier to digest.

Nutrition suggestion:

Liver, hips, thighs, sacrum all relate with Sagittarius, longing for the adventure, being on the quest. Doing a castor oil pack is ultra healing to these parts of the body by cooling inflammation. To do:

  • Pick one of these parts of the body. My favorite castor oil pack spot is over my liver.
  • Apply castor oil to linen or wool cloth. An old t-shirt works well.
  • Place the oil soaked cloth on your body. Overlay with something oil resistant like plastic wrap.
  • Optional: Apply heat for 20 minutes.
  • Leave castor oil pack on for as long as possible.

When finished, decide whether to store the cloth for next use, clean it or throw it away.


With the moon in Sagittarius on the south node we are paying attention to what feels like truth, expanding our awareness and connecting with our wisdom.  It is important to look at the big picture, after all we have been shedding this week let’s get open our awareness to a higher perspective and seek to understand our purpose in the the big picture.

  • Sit down and feel the ground beneath you, close your eyes and feel the spacious sky above you, call in sacred space here, calling in the expansive energy of Sagittarius and your spirit guides to support you.  We will practice expanding our awareness from body center to the cosmic whole.
  • Begin feeling your body outline allowing all awareness to arrive within.
  • Perceive the room your are in embracing the elements of this room with your awareness, then expand to perceive the whole building including anyone else who is present in this building with you.
  • Expand your awareness to perceive your entire community, take time here to be present with the collective feeling of your community.
  • Expand your awareness again this time to perceive the whole planet and all beings and elements here, feeling your self firmly seated and grounded on this planet, connect with your heart center and seek to connect with a message of purpose, even asking to the earth from your heart “how can I help?”  opening to receiving guidance.
  • Expand your awareness to perceive the whole universe, now seeing earth as a blue dot and a part of the whole swirling cosmos, in this vast expansive awareness open to receiving wisdom.

Reflect in your journal and conclude in gratitude.


Hypnagogia is the threshhold between waking and dreaming states of awareness. Ego boundaries expand, associations between things blur, body falls asleep but mind is still awake. When giving massages, I’ll see people twitch and do the hypnagogic jerk. This magical state of awareness is the place Nikola Tesla and other creative geniuses reported receiving some of their greatest ideas. Before practicing the lucid dream induction techniques in hypnagogia, become aware of this phase of your sleep cycle. Try to stay at the edge of wake/sleep to extend hypnagogia. Maybe not on purpose, but you have been here before. Tomorrow we’ll practice getting lucid from here.

Watch this video about dreaming.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:
What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s ovulation phase? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.

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