
day 24: Nila: Nitya of Contemplation

Om Nilayai Namaha

Sun:  29 Aquarius
Moon: 3 Capricorn, 303 degrees from Sun, Balsamic
Inner Moon: transition between luteal and menstruation.

Moon Vibes:

The mystic, deeply sensitive to psychic reality, energetic information, connection with disembodied energy like spirits. Ultra-creative, dream-like visionary with sharp mental acuity. Ethereal quality with little to no ego attachment. This phase relates with Samhain. In tantra yoga, this suryachara, ascending course of Sun, ascending out-breath moving upward from soft palette to third-eye. Relates with last quarter of day time and the element is air. In the hero’s journey, this is where we are sharing and offering the gifts and lessons learned. Preparation phase for the next call to adventure at new Moon.

Moon in Capricorn:

  • Moon in Capricorn relates with backbone, joints, hair.
  • Capricorn is the boss, tribal elder who wants us to get right.
  • When Moon is on S.Node, old habits come to mind. It’s our choice whether we act on them or observe them as cloud in the sky of our awareness.

Nutrition suggestion:

Foods that are building collagen, skin, hair, nails are good to eat when Moon is in Capricorn. I used bone broth after giving birth at home in 2013. It was recommended by an Ayurveda doctor I studied with in India. I break out the bone broth when I feel depleted or have the flu. It is strong medicine. Give it a try! It’s a good tool to have for helping people, too.


Capricorn Moon is best for situations in home, finances, and your right to be the authority in your life. Let’s do a ritual to draw down Capricorn Moon’s stability and self-ownership into our lives. Here’s a ritual from Gardnerian Book of Shadows. After reciting the words, imagine receiving and speaking Moon Goddess wisdom.

“I Invoke and beseech Thee, O mighty Mother of all life and fertility. By seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by Life and Love, do I invoke Thee to descend into the body of thy servant and High Priestess (say your name).” After the incantation, have a recorder ready if you want to remember the words that come through you. When you are finished, close sacred space. Give thanks. Here’s a short video on drawing down the Moon.

Astrology info to consider:

Moon in Capricorn on the S.Node and within 10 degrees of Jupiter, asteroid Athena, and Mars. The vibe may feel heavy and hard on your best efforts. Listen to the thoughts, but be discerning in what you believe.

Menstruation cycle and Moon:

What phase of your inner Moon cycle are you in? What hormones are most prominent? How does this relate with outer Moon’s transition between luteal/last quarter and menstruation/new Moon? Remember, your cycle and Moon cycle do not need to match. Read more about the correspondences here.


In dreams and waking life, 1 thing leads into the next. It is your responsibility to pay attention to how you follow, flow, and/or lead along the paths layed out before you.

  1. Look around. Where are you?
  2. How did you get here?
  3. Can you retrace your steps to what led you here?
  4. Can you do the same retracing steps in conversations?

Each situation or line of conversation leads into the next. Think of this next time you are moving through a dream or waking scenario. It will improve your memory and help your dream recall. Nothing happens coincidentally or outside of your ability to respond.

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