
Astrology is like acupressure for the psyche. Having a reading stimulates different pathways in your consciousness and can liberate massive amounts of repressed material into your awareness. The most common thing I notice is information going in and/or out through dream activity and meditative states. If you are not keeping a dream and meditation journal, please do for the next 3-7 days to record any pertinent information. Much of the released energy can be let go of and there is no need to grab ahold of it with your attention. Use discernment and allow what needs to go, go.

Having an astrology reading can be a lot like having 2 hours of deep bodywork and the post care is similar.

  • Stay Hydrated!
  • Get extra rest
  • Eat foods that are easily digestible
  • Pay attention to your dreams, visions, and inner workings
  • Give yourself at least 3 days after your reading to choose relaxation over exertion.
  • Go back and watch your video/s again in a month’s time and again in a few months. People typically say this helps assimilate as well as pick up things they missed previously.
  • Be ready for transformation!

Staying open and hydrated are probably the pieces of advice to certainly follow.

I offer a package that supports you in healthy transformation. This program is meant to use the information from your natal chart incorporated with Ayurveda, Yoga, and sometimes bodywork or energy work. I offer discounts for people who had an astrology reading and want to further their self-inquiry and wellness. This program includes:

  • Ayurvedic Dosha assessment
  • 3 Tantric Astrology Readings – Life Purpose, Strategies, and Sacred Timings
  • Creating Your Own Mythology Workbook
  • Individualized plan weaved together with Astrology, Ayurvedic dosha and personal goals
  • Transformation Package Guidebook
  • On-going Ayurveda Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling – Includes specific yogic practices and rituals for you.
  • Optional: Weekly 30 minute meetings by phone or skype – check in, connect, Q and A, ect. Click here for more details.

Above all, put your self-care needs first. When you are well taken care of, everything flows better. A bodymind with evenly distributed energy is a true pillar of health and wellness.

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